The Cabin in the Woods

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Maxine packed her bag as she laughed as her husband complained on speakerphone. "I can't believe I had to go to a conference two weeks away from your due date," Luke groaned, pacing his hotel room. 

"Baby, we'll be fine," Maxine assured him, rubbing her thirty-week pregnancy belly. She was carrying fraternal triplets that had their placentas and their amniotic sac. So far, her pregnancy has been healthy. Smiling, she pressed a hand to baby C, feeling it kick at the upper part of her belly. She could tell they were already missing their daddy, and so was she. "I'm just gonna go up to the cabin, meditate, do yoga, and get in the right mindset for birth." 

"And your doctor said it was okay?"

Maxine rolled her eyes. She, herself, was an OB-GYN. She knew her body and could tell that her babies weren't ready to deliver yet. One of her colleagues and closest work friends was her OB, and she said as long as Maxine felt comfortable, so was she. Plus, Maxine planned a natural birth anyway with the fewest medical interventions she could avoid. They were only doing a hospital birth because if anything was wrong with one of the babies, she would feel better to be in a hospital. 

"Yes, babe. Relax. Go enjoy your conference." 

"Doubtful. Text me when you reach the cabin." 

"I will...I love you." 

"I love you four too. Be safe." 

Maxine hung up and rubbed her belly. "Your daddy worries too much," she told her children, zipping up her bag. Grabbing her bag, she headed to her car and headed out. She stopped for a quick burger along the way, rubbing her belly as she ate in the parking lot before heading out. 

The cabin was isolated in the middle of the woods and had been in her family for ages. It's where she and Luke spent their honeymoon, every anniversary, and celebration, and where the triplets were conceived. As she got out of the car, she froze and sucked in a breath as a minor cramp squeezed her lower belly. Blowing it out, she rubbed the spot, shaking her head. "Just a braxton hick," she told herself, closing her door and getting her bags out of the trunk. 

MAXINE: At the cabin! 

LUKE! Glad you made it safely! Miss you and love you. XXOO. 

"So cheesy," Maxine giggled, unlocking the door and turning on the lights. She headed into the bedroom and dropped her bags. Unzipping her suitcase, she pulled out the fresh bedding and made the bed. Lighting a fire, she changed into a pair of comfortable sweats and one of Luke's t-shirts...The only thing that fit her anymore over her large belly. She unpacked her cooler, loading up her fridge and freezer with premade meals, snacks, water, juice...Everything she needed. Feeling a craving for dessert, she grabbed her container of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Suddenly, she felt the same pain again, causing her to wince and rub her belly. Red flags started to go off in her head as she sat at the table, eating straight from the carton. Thirty minutes later, she felt the same pain and breathed through it. Leaning back, she rubbed her belly and looked at the clock. Once was a fluke. Twice...concerning. Three times...a pattern. 

"Holy shit," she whispered, looking at her belly. Remembering her medical training, she replaced her ice cream with a smoothie, hoping that some fruits would give her some energy. Sure enough, as she sat at the table once more, thirty minutes, she was breathing through another contraction. 

"Okay," she told herself, cleaning up her mess. She had to stop and lean over the counter as she rocked her hips. "Breathe...breathe...Don't tense up..." she told herself. "Come on, babies...We can do this..." Once the contraction passed, she got up and retrieved the hospital bag from her car that they had packed for weeks. "Water...I need to stay hydrated," she told herself, grabbing a big water bottle from the fridge and taking a drink. She removed her panties and laid back on the bed, spreading her legs. 

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