Money Can't Buy Happiness

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Requested by: @bwthib

Rob groaned as he stretched, awakening for the day. In his sleep-filled mind, his hand mindlessly reached out for the warm body next to him, rubbing her back to assure himself that she was still with him, safe in their bed. Opening his eyes, he turned and looked at his wife as she cuddled with her Genie Pregnancy Pillow, her large belly resting on top of it, her legs intertwined with it, and her head on her own pillow. He didn't know why she loved that fucking thing, or why his sister would get her one at their baby shower. But he let it slide if it brought her comfort and she could sleep. 

Clara moaned as she shifted, still snoring peacefully, as Rob chuckled. His baby was not a morning person. Getting up, he gently kissed her brow and started his morning routine. He was the luckiest man alive. Also one of the richest, smartest, and according to People Magazine, one of the sexiest men alive. For years, he grew up as the NYC's young hottest bachelors. After graduating at the top of his class at Harvard, he went on to fund his own medical research company, becoming a millionaire in over a year. He never thought he would settle down until he bumped into Miss Clara Watson, the young twenty-one-year-old art major. They collided, with Clara being so clumsy that she spilled her glass of wine on his shirt. 

He was instantly attracted to her innocence, her nativity, her body, her heart, and her soul. Coming from a small family that could barely feed themselves most days, their worlds collided. Clara still had a hard time spending money in her account. Each time she used her black card, she would try to justify it, even though they had enough money to last them several lifetimes. A year later, he proposed, and now she was carrying his child and he didn't know his heart could be that full. 

 Coming back from their gym, he showered and came back into their bedroom to see his tired wife finally waking up. "Good morning, baby," he grinned, walking over to her and kissing him. 

"Morning," Clara yawned, rubbing her massive belly. 

"How's our boy this morning?" 

"Playing soccer with my kidneys," Clara sighed, trying to push the baby away from her organ. 

"Almost done," Rob sighed, bending down to kiss her belly. 

Clara tensed at the reminder, her hands starting to fidget. She loved being pregnant. She loved feeling the life inside of her move. She loved her little boy already with all of her heart. But she was terrified. She had a big phobia of hospitals and especially giving birth. She also had major anxiety. Rob was determined to have her be the most comfortable during her time. He booked them a luxury birth suite at New York's top-rated birthing center that was tailored to high-profile clientele. If Clara could have it her way, she would have the baby at home. Better yet, she would fall asleep and wake up with her adorable baby boy. But due to her size and the baby's, it was safer to be at the hospital. 

"Hey..." Rob called out, seeing the terrified and far away look in her eyes as she rubbed her belly. "You're gonna be okay." 

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Rob," she whispered, tears filling her eyes. 

"Hey, baby," he cooed, wrapping his arms around her.  

"I'm so scared!" Clara sniffed. "And so tired!" 

"I know...But I'm going to do everything I can to keep you and Luke safe okay? Even if I have to fly out the best OB/GYN here." 

"Don't do that!" Clara whined, rubbing her eyes. "I just want nothing bad to happen to him."

"Nothing bad is gonna happen to you," Rob grinned, kissing her hips. 

Clara chuckled and watched as Luke kissed her again and her belly before pulling on his suit. "Are you ready for your big meeting today?" 

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