Double Homebirth

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"Oooooh," Beatrice moaned, rolling her hips as she rested on her birthing ball. She was in a pair of white panties, a white cami, and a black nursing bra with ankle socks. 

"You're doing such a good job, Bea," Alex grinned, her own nine-month pregnant belly sitting on her lap as she rubbed Bea's arm. Beatrice was a single mother, having met Alex at the clinic. Beatrice had wanted a home birth, feeling the safest when she was at home. Alex supported her decision, finding a friend in the young woman. Bea was expecting her first child, while Alex was expecting her second, already having a little girl at home with her husband. She was glad to have Alex with her, despite Alex's reservations because of her own child in her own belly, and the fact that she was past due. 

"Ooooooow!" Beatrice sobbed, a contraction hitting her, adding to her bad back labor. "My back!" 

"I know, babe!" Alex said with pure sympathy. Alex was almost thirty and more experienced with the woes of birthing pains. She's attended hundreds of births and seen mothers at their best and their worst. Beatrice was however twenty and all of this was new. "Baby boy is posterior and he's a big one." 

"I just want a break!" Bea sobbed, feeling discouraged that her sweet baby boy would never come. 

Alex shifted, feeling a slight pain in her belly. She had a much higher pain tolerance than Bea, brushing it off as a normal pregnancy ache for being two weeks past due. Another contraction hit Bea, causing her to shout in pain. "OOOOOOWWWW!" 

"Moan through it, Bea...Find your noise...."

"Oooooooooooh," Bea moaned, shaking her hips faster. She'd been in labor for ten hours now, her water breaking right from the get-go. 

"Can I check you?" Alex asked. 

"Mmmmmm......" Bea hummed. 

Alex took that as a 'go ahead', edging behind Bea to sit behind her but at her side. Pushing her panties aside, she gently probed her entrance, smiling. Finally, she was ten centimeters and this stubborn baby boy was ready to come out. "You're fully dilated, Bea! You're ready to push!" 

"I am?!" Bea asked as Alex moved in front of her to grin and nod. 

"You are! Baby boy is coming!" Moving back behind her, she patted Bea's bottom with a smile. "I'm gonna remove your panties now, okay?" Bea nodded as she continued to rest on the birthing ball. Placing pads underneath her, she rubbed Bea's back. "Okay...Next contraction, I want you to push back into your butt. Go as long as your body feels like it, okay? Remember to moan through it." 

Bea nodded, scared of what was gonna happen. "Is it gonna hurt?" 

Alex's heart broke for the woman. "It will for a bit, but pushing is so much better than the contractions. You feel like you're accomplishing something, rather than waiting." 

Bea nodded, groaning as another contraction squeezed her back and hips. "Oh!" 

"Big breath, Bea, and push..." Alex said, gently but firm. 

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" Bea moaned, pushing for the first time. It took Bea pushing for thirty minutes, and Alex continuously checking her progress to see that this wasn't gonna work. The baby was quite large and Bea was a slim woman with narrow hips. She believed that Bea could deliver naturally though. "He's not coming!" Bea sobbed harder, feeling discouraged. After almost twelve hours in labor and thirty minutes of pushing, she felt no progress except for fluid leaving her vagina. 

"He is...Let's try a different position, okay?" Alex suggested with a soft smile as her own belly ached a bit. 

"No..." Bea sobbed. "I can't do it! I can't get him out!" 

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