Why we failed pt. 7 A kiss for a princess

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Why we failed one-hundred years ago pt. 7

A kiss for a princess

"I've heard just enough out of you." grumbled a large, burly man, shoving Jun into the shadows of an alleyway near Union Bridge.

"I have them, don't worry! They're just not with me. I hid them in a ditch near the tourney grounds, I swear!" Jun squeaked, wincing as he faced the rain with one eye open.

Another man, slender but no less intimidating, hoisted Jun up and slammed him against a brick wall. "No more excuses! You know what's at stake if you don't deliver on time."

His friend joined in the reprimand. "Hand them over, boy. We don't have time for games. If you want to keep that pretty face unmarred, you better listen."

"Hey, let him go!" I found myself instinctively shouting. "He's just a kid!"

The two ugly looking goons craned their neck to face me but maintained their grip on Jun. "Hmph, I can say the same for you, Pint Size." sneered the larger one.

His sinister companion barked at me as well. "What did you say to us?"

Unfazed by his intimidation, I answered, "Did I stutter? Or, are you just stupid? I said, leave him be or—

"--Or what?" The burly man let Jun go for his friend to hold, stomping closer to size me up in the dim alley.

But before he could escalate, his friend reached for his shoulder with his other hand, yanked him back to whisper to where I could barely hear. "Hey Izhi--He's a royal guard.  We might have to cut his throat if he marks us."

"What was that? You're going to have to speak up!" I found myself striding closer.

Jun winced and quickly spoke. "It's, uh, nothing! Just go, both of you!" As I moved even closer, Jun seemed to plead, "Mr. Helmsworth, don't!"

Something was up, but what? Whatever it was, I don't have time for it. I have to deliver the boy and get back to the others and soon. Ignoring the kid I spoke again. "I said drop him."

"Helmsworth, it's fine! Really, no problem!" Jun insisted, more forcefully this time.

"What?" I stepped back.

The burly man flashed a grin, revealing yellow-stained teeth. "You should listen to your friend here. We were just chatting, that's all." His eyes bore into Jun's, indicating something was not right. "No need to get riled up."

Glancing around, still in their grip, Jun forced a smile. "Yeah, it's fine. We do this all the time. It's a game." He laughed nervously. Now, you had your fun, so let me go." The slender man looked to his companion, who nodded, and released Jun. The boy stumbled onto his knees atop the cobblestones.

Jun quickly sprang to his feet and smiled again at me to feign all is well. "See, there's no problem."

Very odd behavior indeed.

The brute also agreed, patting the lad on the back as a gesture of good will, though it seemed as phony as a Gerudo Voe."Yea, there's no problem, right? We were just, foolin' about. Sorry to startle you Sir."

Jun then directed them to leave. "Okay, you got what you came for. Get going, both of you. We'll talk later."

The burly man executed a sarcastic bow. "We'll be on our way now if it's no trouble to you." I simply nodded as I watched them both scamper past me. The slender one shoulder checked me on his way out, but I thought it best not to reprimand him. It could escalate rapidly and besides, I had somewhere I needed to be. I don't have time to pick fights with small time trouble such as these losers.

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