Oh, Joy, Oh Happiness. A Desert.

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In the cave's embrace, 

Thoughts of loss and Y/N's grace, 

Desert journey starts.

A/N : The above necklace will be relevant to the following chapter. 

Newt's P.O.V

Everyone settled down, falling asleep within minutes, crashing from pure exhaustion. Soon, the cave was filled with the soft sound of snoring and snuffling. I let the soft sounds lull me into a daze as I sat with my back against the stone wall, my legs propped up on my bag. Finally, having a moment to breathe, I let the events of the past few days hit me like a wall. 

In my mind, I mourned the deaths of those I'd known nearly all my life. Alby, Chuck, Clint, Jeff, Gally, and so many more I couldn't name. All dead, just to bring us here, huddled in a cold cave under a zombie-infested building. I wondered if we should have stayed in the maze as Gally wanted us to. So many deaths could have been avoided. 

But if you stayed in the maze, the Grievers would've killed you. Either that or you would've run out of supplies. 

Also, you wouldn't have met Y/N.




I doubted there was a sound more beautiful than her name. To even think of it made my heart ring like a bell. 


She was a piece of work, that girl. She was undeniably pretty, with her Y/H/C hair, dazzling Y/E/C eyes and radiant smile. But what appealed to me was her inner beauty. Her strength, her will, her unshakable core, all visible in every small thing she did. Her uncanny ability to wipe all emotion off her face while talking. Her grace. She was...breathtaking. Gorgeous. Exquisite. There simply weren't enough words to describe how beautiful she was, both on the inside and the outside. 

My head snapped up as one of the figures lying beside me on the floor bolted upright with a gasp, breathing hard. The person buried their face in their hands, hair falling to obscure their face as they trembled and shook. 

It was Y/N.

"Hey," I whispered, "You all right there?"

Wow, what a great question. She's just woken up in the middle of the night and is crying into her hands. Of course she's not okay. Amazing start in impressing her, Romeo.

She sucked in a surprised breath, and pushed her hair out of her face.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine," she whispered, her voice hoarse.

Silence reigned, only to be broken by a short, humourless laugh. I glanced sideways at her. 


"It has just occurred to me that I have escaped from a most likely cannibalistic organisation with a group of boys and a girl I barely know, have slept in a cave, and upon waking up from a nightmare, been comforted by a boy whose name is the only thing I know about him."

I let that sink in. "That doesn't have to be true, you know. I want to know you. I don't want us to be strangers; I want us to be friends."

She looked at me curiously.

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