Hes in love?But am i?

315 7 1

A/n- [like you asked you get some action!]

-3th persons pov-

It's been weeks since the last day the two worked on the project so they decided to continue working on it at ao'nungs.

It was 3:45 and the time they said to meet was 4:30 so neteyam was kinda running late but it didn't matter it's just ao'nung right?

The boy rushed trough his closet picking up a vintage nike sweater and some basic light blue jeans. As he put on the clothes he got all the stuff they needed.

'why am i so worried for being late?'
He thought

Neteyam put on his vans grabed his keys and drove to ao'nungs.
Luckly he already knew the way so he didn't struggle.

He got to the house and parked right infront of it.

He stepped out the car and approched the door hearing slight muffles from the house.

''it's going to be fine!''

Tisreya could be heard and right after her was her brother

''are you sure i mean what if i do something wrong- I didn't clean the living room hes going to think we live like pigs!''

Neteyam never heard ao'nung that worried.

''no he is not!! Look ik you are nervous bc you like him but-''

That was the last words neteyam heard before going back to his car and driving off

'he likes me?'

'maybe it wasnt me'

'am i over reacting'

'but what if it was me'

'do i like him back?'

His thoughts were killing him making his head spin.

He got back home and left the project stuff in the car.

Neteyam ran up to his room locking it behind him as fast as he could,then quckly grabing his phone out his pocket.


Sorry i can't make it today.
Maybe next time?

He sent the messege and trew his phone on his bed,slideing down the door he was resting againts, putting his head into his hands tears slipping down his face.

'what if i do like him'

'but i don't'

'what if its just some kind of a joke'

'i can't like him'

'this is all just stupid'

The boy was confused so confused this was just a bomb on his back he didn't know what to do or say he just kinda sat there thinking for hours.


Neteyam was now in his bed stareing at the roof thinking he hasn't checked his phone for messeges,and he didn't want to.

But he also did.

He wanted to be sucked up by a hole in the ground. 'What if he didn't like him back?' Was the thing he thought about the most.

'how can he tell him that he doesn't want to hurt the olders feelings'

Oh god.

What does he do now?
He knows that ao'nung likes him.
How does he act around him now?
Is it any diffrent.

he repeated to himself alot.

But it didn't work,he didn't know if he still likes him tho.

He for sure knew that he did not want to like him back he can't love a punk like him.

Can he?


A/N: [sorry for the wait my mental health has been bad lately and i have no motivation for anything ik it's short and i'm sorry i'm trying my best i swear.]

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