Kalopsia pt. 2

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Hi babiesssss! So my goal here was to revamp the story, adding my new flavor, making it more current, and finishing the book for you all. I know it is long overdue , man. I started this book when I was 16/17, and I am 23 now and a wholeeee mama. So baby, that means I've been through A LOT

so I'm gonna take y'all through it too *devilish grin*

We're going to have more twists, more turns, and more drama. I am excited y'all.

I don't really have many ideas rn, I'm kinda just winging it but grow with me, go with me.

I appreciate all of my supporters. I appreciate all of the feedback. I appreciate allllll of the love. And I just really thank y'all for rocking with me for so long and taking the time out to check on me, and stay tuned in on my work.

Now, we have a new cast. New looks, and I'm trying to learn how to navigate this "new" Wattpad. I had the idea of taking the old chapters down, but I love love love the feedback and going back and reading you all's comments. So I'm going to just make this a Pt. 2 of the back and starting over. Hopefully you all can see the growth, don't get confused, and can fuck with me through this little transition

So bare with me, I apologize for any mistakes in advance, and hereeee we gooooo

So bare with me, I apologize for any mistakes in advance, and hereeee we gooooo

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