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Mazi had never been more nervous than he is now. Sitting in her home brought back refreshing memories. Everything was in the same place it was the last time he'd been here, and it still smelled of lavender and a hint of vanilla. Just like her. That smell is home to him. She is home to him.

Her slender brown legs waltzed back toward him, placing a bottle of water in front of him and opening the one meant for her. Taking a few sips from it, she nervously cleared her throat. Mazi stayed still, kind of regretting calling her yet knowing it needs to happen.

I mean after all...

She is his mother.

"Simon, I'm sorry." Deciding that was the perfect place to start, she said those words not expecting silence to still linger on. There sat an abundance amount of tension in the air, and the vibe completely off. It was all bad, and she was willing to accept that it was her fault. She had been slacking. All of his big events that he'd expected her to come to, she didn't. She didn't make time for him, and he felt as though he wasn't a priority to her.

Deciding to continue, she sat her bottle of water down, "You are my first born. My baby. I love you more than anything. I apologize for not being here for you. I am not the best mother, I can admit that, but I am trying Simon, and I would never be able to live knowing you hate me." Tears graced her eyes, pooling at her eyelids and threatening to spill onto her flawless chocolate cheeks.

Mazi felt himself growing emotional. He always easily forgave her because he knew that this was all knew to her. She was 15 when she had him, and her parents never showed her the amount of love she wanted to show her kids, so learning how to be the best mother was a task.

"I know ma." Walking over to her, be pulled her into his chest and they cried. Yet, they cried for two different reasons. She cried because of guilt. She felt as though she was turning her own child against her, yet work has always been her distraction from her own emotions. She never meant for her drowning herself into work to hurt Mazi. On the other hand, Mazi cried because of future disappointment. He wanted to try to put his trust in her, but he is so accustomed to her being flippy-floppy, and feels putting his trust in her might be a mistake.

 He wanted to try to put his trust in her, but he is so accustomed to her being flippy-floppy, and feels putting his trust in her might be a mistake

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Mazi Simon Anekwe

She leaned against her car, staring down at her phone. That nervous feeling ambushed me again. I hadn't spoken to her in two, almost three weeks- Which is why I am surprised she even agreed to meet up with me. Her hair had been freed from the braids she put in, so her hair lay silk alongside her face. Her tawny colored skin glowing, looking as soft as velvet. She came casually dressed in a gray sweatshirt, gray Nike leggings, and Egyptian blue Nike slides. A purse hung from her hand that resembled the blue in her shoes, yet a white/cream color on the sides, black handles and black accents. On her wrist a gold watch shined, yet no other accessories were on her. An outfit so simple looked beyond great on her.

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