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Jelani Chanel Adisa

Bliss. That's all I felt waking up this morning. The conversations I had with Mazi last night seemed to get deeper each topic.

"Hello. Hello. Hello." Tashani stood in the front of the classroom clad in his normal crisp suit. He'd usually make sure his tie and shoes matched, and his jewelry options are always subtle. "We are going to be deciding topics for our debates today. Now, for the bases of the project. This is a two person project. There has to be one person against the topic, and one person for it. I expect a written outline of your stance with 3 points as to why you chose that platform and why. Also, I expect you some type of visual. Either a video or you to come and present." Taking a pause, Tashani sipped some of his coffee, "Lastly, the list of topics are up on my desk. You choose which interests you and I will announce partners tomorrow. Go." About all the classmates rushed to Tashani's desk to write their names next to the topics they want.

Mazi sat back in his desk with his headphones in his ear, sitting in that same leaned back relaxed position he is normally, yet he seemed tense today. Deciding to not bother him, I wrote my name next to the topic I desired, then made my way back to the desk. Tashani dismissed class early after telling us to start working on our projects.

a little later ...

Tyler the Creator and Frank Ocean's She soothed me as I tried to focus on my creative writing homework that was assigned last week. I admit I am a huuuggee procrastinator. It is an issue.

"The blinds wide open so he can see you in the dark when you're sleeping, naked body fresh out the shower, you touch yourself after hours.." Mumbling the somewhat creepy lyrics to myself, I let out a huge sigh. My manicured fingers gripped upon the piece of an unruly piece of hair and tucked it behind my ear to clear my vision, and hopefully improve my concentration.

Finally getting into the flow of the assignment, my fingers danced quickly across the keyboard- the sound is pleasing to my ears. Vibrations erupted on my desk, causing everything to slightly shake and a rugged sound. Palming the device, my thumb slid across the screen to answer the facetime call.

"Aye aye aye, what's up Lani Lan." A smile couldn't help but sweep across my face as my younger brother cheesed all in the camera.

"Hello, Jabari." He seemed to be in a car, with his black du-rag on, and a gray wife-beater. My brother is growing into a very handsome young man, I couldn't ever lie and say mom and pops ain't make some fine ass babies.

 My brother is growing into a very handsome young man, I couldn't ever lie and say mom and pops ain't make some fine ass babies

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"Shit, chillin. Just pulled up to the house, but I can't go in yet." Aggression showed as his jaw clenched and he released a sigh.

"Why not?"

"Man, ma and pops in there fuckin' probably. Kicked me out sayin' they need some alone time and shit. Talkin' 'bout I'm always at home." Our parents have always embodied the love I dream to have. They are the epitome of 90's love- and true freaks. They don't care who is around, they make it know that the sexual attraction is still present.

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