| The Beginning |

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Jelani Chanel Adisa

"Therefore, my grandmother is my first love. She saw something in me before I was even created. Jamila Gem Adisa, blessed me with the name Jelani- meaning mighty in Nigeria. She expected me to live up to that as well. My grandmother never failed to let me know in her native tongue that I am strong; I am mighty.

This concept is invested in me- even with her not here to tell me. She is my guardian angel, and I know no one loves me more than she does." I quickly looked down and moved to my seat at the third row, on the left side near the classroom's door. Mr. Tashani, the psychology teacher at Clark Atlanta, clapped slowly causing the class to join, and the motion increased. Slyly, I wiped the tears that threatened to fall and forced the best smile I could muster. Either it seemed very convincing, or no one cared to notice the pain hidden between these strained rises in my cheeks. The joy seen on my lips didn't even stand a chance of meeting my eyes.

I am trapped in fake facades and faint I'm okay's.

It never ends.

Tashani spoke his peace, told us of our assignment, then sat at his desk as the bell rung for everyone to be dismissed. Psychology was my last night class for today, which makes me the happiest person alive. I am beyond tired. Each step I take pulls more and more energy out of me, and as soon as I enter my room I am going to crash, no doubt about that.

Rushing into my dorm, I quickly stripped of my clothing and crawled into my bed.

"Well hello to you, too," Ni'ella called out, a single large hold hoop hanging from her left ear, and the other between her fingers. Not willing to form a proper response, I simply grumbled out some inaudible words. I did not feel in any mood to talk or be social. My grandmother's death is still heavy on my mind from my presentation earlier.

"How did the presentation go?" Ni sat on the side of my legs and began putting on her orange sandal heels. Ignoring her, I took in her appearance from head to toe. She sported a furry deep V orange crop top, with high waist destroyed blue jeans and her lace orange sandal heels.

 She sported a furry deep V orange crop top, with high waist destroyed blue jeans and her lace orange sandal heels

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"Where you goin?"

"I am so glad you asked that," She quickly turned all her attention to me with a mischievous grin painted on her lips. "There is a going to be a little birthday party over at one of the rec centers, and I would love for you to accompany Taylor, Jess, and I" Immediately, my head shook no as the word flew out of my mouth.

"Nu-uh, no way. I am too damn tired ta' be messin' with yall fools all night."

"Come on Lani! Please! It's only like-" She paused her begging, and glanced at her phone screen, "8 o'clock, please Lani! It'll be fun! And we'll get you home at a reasonable time. I promise you." Ni's lips formed a small pout as she threw her body on mine, and repeated the word please as much as she could. Each one growing with desperation, due to her simply being overdramatic.

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