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Jelani Chanel Adisa

His chocolate skin glistened as the TV lights illuminated him. He looked as he was hand crafted by God himself. My eyes wouldn't leave his, and I was perfectly fine with that. Everything was nothing beside him being my everything.

How can you become so infatuated with someone? Someone whom you haven't know for long, yet time seems to have no relevance.

His chiseled frame soft and fitting for mine. None of the negative thoughts that had disturbed me earlier made an appearance while I lay upon his chest.

With everything bothering me, he is my cure and distraction all in one. Sadly, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad.

Simple moments such as these made me fall even harder for him. His large hands crept under my black tank, and caressed my naked back. Slow and calming movements nearly luring me to sleep.

"Mazi." My voice soft and raspy from not talking for a while, and my little breakdown I had moments before.

"Wassuh'?" His tone rich and thick such as honey. They sent millions of little chills down my spine and flutters to my heart.

"Thank you. For answering when I call. For being here with me. For having moments like this- moments I get caught in."

"I get caught in them too." Every word he spoke was said soft enough to lure me to sleep. My ear placed right upon his heartbeat, listening to the rhythm, didn't make it any better.

"Lani!" Ni'Ella burst into my room, frantic written all over her face, but Mazi and I moved not an inch. He had placed me into too much of a calm space for me to want to do anything.

"Yes?" My reply simple and soft.

"What happened? Are you okay?" A few seconds went by as I reflected on how low I felt minutes ago, and I didn't want to speak on it. I feel weak.

"She good Ni'Ella. She called me sho'tly afta' she called you, and I leavin' my class by here. I jus' got ha' to calm down."

"Oh... okay. I'm in my room baby and will be checking up on you in a little bit. I love you Jelani." Her arms wrapped around me loose yet secured, as if she wrapped them any tighter she would break me. Turning to Mazi, she whispered a 'thank you before leaving the room.


The two lay in the plush twin sized bed, bodies pressed closely together, music whispered in their ears, yet they are engulfed in their thoughts. Today was the day they had both lost someone dear to their hearts, so the sympathy was evident. No words were exchanged as his thumbs pressed in the small of her back, moving in circles. This was the most sexually attractive thing to the two, with no sex involved. The simple soft rubs and comfort turned them on. Jelani needed his comfort, and he simply enjoyed hers. There was no other place she'd rather be at the moment.

Although the moment contained an abundance amount of bliss, Mazi still had questions for her that were left unanswered. Licking his lips before he parted them to speak, his movements on her back slowed.

"You ready ta' talk now?" Jelani never spoke to him once he came to comfort her. He allowed her to cry with little to no words exchanged.

"Today is the day my grandmother passed." Mourning in lonesome has been something Jelani always did. She never wanted people to see her at her lowest and most vulnerable times. But last night was different. She needed comfort. She couldn't do it alone. The dream felt so real. Her grandmother's scent, her touch, her smile. All of it seemed real. And that broke her. She felt the same she felt when she got the call. Lost. Mazi just continued to listen and rub small circle on her back, letting her know he was paying attention.

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