18: Divided (Emi)

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18: Divided

"I got to go. I'll call and Uber or something." I quickly backed away from Riku.

"What? I can drive you Emi."

"No I got to go I'm sorry." I quickly gathered my stuff and beeline to the door.

"Emi!" He called out but I was gone.

I ran and hid in the bush for a bit in case he tried to come out after me. Luckily he didn't. I quickly looked for an Uber and texted Yuuto.

Me: Sorry I'm going to be a bit late. I fell asleep watching a movie with Ayame my coworker.

Yuuto: You coming home now?

Me: Yeah, see you soon.


When I finally got home I went to unlock the door. Yuuto was standing right at the door as if he was waiting for me.

"What movie did you watch?" He asked instantly.


"You said you watched a film with your friend right?" He stood up and walked towards me.

"It was Marnie." I remembered the movie that Riku played luckily.

Yuuto stood very close to me and took a small inhale and gave me a look. I was scared and I didn't know why.

"Didn't know Ayame smelled like cologne." Yuuto said in a hushed tone.

"Wh-" Before I finished I felt a hard impact on the side of my face. It happened to fast that I fell instantly from the impact. I bite my cheek during it that I could taste metallic in my mouth as I composed myself.

"Who is it you dirty whore?" He looked furious.

"Nobody!" I cried.

"You think I'm stupid?! Nobody would want to be your friend! I can smell a guy all over you! You fucking slut. I go away and you're just jumping for some dick aren't you?" He grabbed me by my hair and I started screaming. He placed his hand over my mouth. "If you scream, I will kill you." He whispered. I stayed silent.

He dragged me to the bedroom and slapped me again until I fell down on the floor. He started to undo his belt and began whipping me with it. I cried and cried until I lost consciousness.


The next morning I woke up on the floor. Yuuto was nowhere to be found. I saw a note that was left on the bed

Emi, I think we need a break. I need to get away for the rest of this week and see how we can go on with our relationship. Please don't come to the concert. I really need the time apart for now. Let's see how we fair after a week.

I sobbed holding the paper in my hand. I didn't know what to do. I want to live happily with Yuuto, but I fucked up really badly. I dragged myself up to the mirror and saw how swollen my face was. I bruised easily and Yuuto slapped me really hard. I saw a bunch of whip marks and I knew I can't cover this up. I can't go to work.

I felt so bad because I just left Riku last night and now I will make him carry the shift by himself. I'm the worst person ever.

I couldn't build up the courage to call Riku so I shot him a text.

Me: I have some family problems that are critical. I don't think I can be at work for the rest of the week. I'm sorry. I understand if you want to fire me. I'm also really sorry about last night.

Riku: It's fine. I got some new hires remember? Are you okay?

I choked on a sob. Even after all the chaos I brought to him he was still concerned about me. I wanted to see him so badly. I wanted to hug him so badly, but I didn't want to cheat nor let him see all the damage that has been done to my body.

I couldn't reply to him. I couldn't stop my crying. I didn't know what to do. A part of me just wants to come clean and tell him everything, but a part of me is scared that he will never look at me the same way again or even talk to me.


I didn't know how long I had been laying in bed when I heard someone at the front door. Did Yuuto change his mind? Or was it Riku? I quickly got up and looked through the peephole. I was caught off guard to see a Teddy bear's face staring back at me.

I slowly opened the door to see Riku. His face drained of color when he saw my face.

"Emi, are you okay?!" He said.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Not a good time."

"Did your father do this?"

"Riku, you shouldn't be here right now. Please."

He handed me the Teddy Bear and I started to break down. It hurts so much to know I am starting to fall for this guy that I've been lying too. Why did I lie? I guess subconsciously I knew I felt something for him the first time we actually talked.

Riku stepped closer and embraced me tightly. I clung onto him as if my body depended on it.

"Can you get out of here?" He asked.

"Yes." I said whilst buried in his chest.


We drove and drove. I didn't know where we were going, but I felt calmer with the bear on my lap and Riku by my side.

I felt Riku grab my hand and held it in his.

"I'm here for you Emi. I'm your friend."

He pulled the car over at a park.

"Emi, if there is anything I can do to help, please tell me. I can wait as long as you want to tell me what is going on on your end. I promise."

"You're so amazing Riku....I really don't deserve all this."

"Hey, look at me." He carefully took my face in his hands. "You deserve everything."

Even through the swollen feeling in my face, I saw him so clearly. I did the unthinkable and leaned in to kiss him.

To Be Continued

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