34: Trip (Emi)

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34: Trip

I made a day out of it to go get my gun license and buy a gun. I didn't have anything to lose. I just was in a mist of fury. I wanted to kill Yuuto. I know he did it.

It was nice to be able to use Riku's car. I couldn't imagine using the bus at this point for this. I first went to Touma's house. He opened the door and I saw the shiner he had.

"Here for Yuuto? Well if you are he ain't here."

"What happened?"

He paused for a bit. He sighed and opened the door wider.

"Come on in."

I was reluctant, but I had my gun tucked in my purse in case he tried something.

We sat down in the living room and he had his hands folded with elbows rested on his knees.

"My brother really loves you. A little bit too much sometimes that it drove him mad."

"Yeah, when your parents..."

"No, it wasn't about our folks. Yuuto didn't like them anyway. The night of his graduation party I pushed you to drink and let loose remember?"

"Yeah. I remembered waking up there confused."

"I spiked your drink and I had my way with you. Yuuto caught the aftermath and that's why he became the person he became. I lied and said you did it. That you put yourself on me. If you have to hate anyone it's me."

I didn't know what to say. I never even knew of this. It was like Yuuto turned off the boyfriend switch that day.

"I'm not justifying how Yuuto is now. It was wrong how he handled it, but I figured you should know the truth. I was an idiot and envious of what he had that I wanted to ruin it for him. I'm sorry Emi. You can report this or anything you want. My life is over anyway."

"Touma, I won't report you."

His head shot up in confusion.

"It's in the past and you being behind bars isn't going to change anything. I just hope you don't do this to someone else. However, you can tell me where Yuuto is."

"I honestly don't know where he is. He just up and left last night. Try your apartment with him."

"Fine." I stood up. "Thanks for telling me."

"Emi, thank you." He replied.


I got to our apartment and opened the door. I still kept they keys all these months. I didn't see any signs of Yuuto at all. His shoes weren't there. Surprisingly I didn't see any signs of a new woman living here.

I walked around and it felt like it was the same as it was when I had left. I walked into our bedroom. The photo of us was gone. I saw his clothes laid out on the floor and bed. He must have been here then.

I didn't miss this life at all. My heart was just hurting missing the life I currently have. Will Riku ever wake up?


I grabbed my gun and pointed it to the voice. Yuuto raised his hands.

"Woah I am not going to hurt you." He looked disheveled.

"What the fuck did you do? I thought you moved on." My hands shook as I was panicking. I had shot the gun a few times at the range, but potentially ending a life and pointing to another human terrified me.

"I stalked you guys. Became obsessed. Jenny was just to throw you off." He replied.

"Why? You could have just moved on." I cried.

"I fucking love you that's why. I love you but I was so mad at you. Touma texted me that you came around and he told you everything. I'm so sorry." He looked defeated.

"I...I hate what happened between. I wish it could be different, but I need you to move on."

"I don't know. I don't.."

"How could you do what you did to him?"

"How is he?" He asked.

"He's in a coma."

Yuuto looked down. He sighed.

"We can work things out can't we?"

I was shocked at his response. How could he say that when I just told him that Riku was in a coma. I was infuriated. I shot him on his calf and he screamed in pain and dropped.

"What the fuck! I didn't even do anything!" His eyes were full of rage.

"You're so heartless. You never cared about me. I almost felt bad for you." I took out my phone and started dialing the police when Yuuto charged at me. The phone fell from my hand and he snatched the gun out of my other and pointed it at me. He was on top of me. This is it. I am too weak to fight him off.

"Don't be a dumb bitch Emi." His eyes were far gone and I was too afraid to stop him. I closed my eyes for my fate until I felt his weight off of me and a gun shot sounded.

Touma jumped Yuuto and grabbed the gun from him and accidently shot a bullet in the air. He punched Yuuto and knocked him out. He quickly ran to me.

"Oh my fuck Emi you okay? I came here after I texted Yuuto. I knew he was unstable."

"Yeah y-yeah I'm okay." He hugged me and I was shaking in his arms.

"Everything will be okay. I called the cops. I confessed to everything."

Tears started coming as I cried. I had never been so scared in my life. I could hear the police sirens at a distance. Everything will be okay. I will be safe now.

The same officer from that night along with his crew all held guns at Touma. He released me and I watched as he and Yuuto were being taken away.

The police and ambulance tended to me and I only had one request.

"Could you take me to my fiancé please?"

To Be Continued

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