32: Unreal (Emi)

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32: Unreal

I looked down at the positive pregnancy test. I had tears of joy in my eyes. I can't wait to tell Riku. I hope he won't be mad. I don't even know if he liked kids or not.

I took the liberty to get him some seafood from the store. I was going to hide the pregnancy announcement until after dinner. I felt a vibration on my phone and saw it was Riku texting me.

Riku: Hey sweetie, I just got out of work. I need to do a quick errand and I'll head straight home. Also look for some portable lights. It's raining mad and the electricity might go out. See you in a bit. I love you so much.

I smiled and blushed as if it's the first time he told me he loves me. I quickly text back.

Me: Already on that. I got a surprise for you when you get home. And I love you more.

Riku: Oh? Is it you for dessert?

I blushed.

Me: Not exactly, but you can have that too if you want.

Riku: I'll rush home then. See you soon!

I hugged myself smiling. I am the luckiest.


It has been two hours since Riku texted me. He said he had an errand. He shouldn't be taking this long. Maybe the rain? No his job is only fifteen minutes away. I decided to call him. It went straight to voice mail. My heart sunk.

I couldn't go to him unless I take the bus or Uber, but I don't know if I would find anything in this storm. I quickly panicked and called Ayame.

"Hello?" She sounded as if she was sleeping.

"Riku didn't come home and his phone went to voicemail."

"Wait what? You think he's seeing someone?"

"No I think something may have happened. The rain is crazy and I don't know how to get to him."

"Hold on I'll be over. Sit tight."


Ayame came over and agreed to drive to where Riku worked. I saw a bunch of police cars close to the bar. It was crowded in the parking garage. I swore my stomach sank scared that this had something to do with Riku.

Ayame and I rushed to the scene and saw a lot of blood on the floor. There was no victim.

"Officer, what happened?" I asked.

"A violent attack. Don't know if it was a robbery or attempted murder."

"Where is the body?"

"We sent him to the hospital."

"Who was it?" Ayame asked. "Her boyfriend works around here and he didn't come home."

"Yes, this is him." I showed the officer a picture of Riku from last week.

His eyes widened a bit.

"It could be him. He was so beaten up I can't tell. He's in the hospital."

"Which one?" I grabbed him pleading.


We both rushed into the hospital and asked for the more recent patient. I describe him and the nurses led me to a room.

Riku laid there. His face was all swelled up. His body had a lot of bandages and casts. I could barely recognize him. If I hadn't been lead here I would have just walked past like he was nobody.

Ayana's jaw was on the floor. She patted my back and gave me some space.

"I'll be in the waiting room."

I went to sit down next to Riku. I looked at his neck and saw the tattoo. This was definitely him. I broke down. I couldn't even hold his hand since they both were covered up in casts. What happened.

There was a knock on the door and it was a female doctor. She looked sympathetic.

"May I come in?" She asked.

"Yes." I wiped my eyes.

"Are you his..?"

"Girlfriend." I said. "His name is Riku. My name is Emi."

"Okay Emi. Riku's stabilized, but he is in a coma right now."

"For how long?!" I could break down in front of this woman and not cared. This wasn't happening.

"We don't know. It could be days, weeks, or even years."

"Does that mean eventually the plug has to be pulled?"

She looked weary.

"Possibly if you can't pay for him to be alive."

I felt numb. I had no money. Riku had money, but it felt wrong to use his money without being his wife. What will I do?

Shortly the police officer walked in. The same one from the scene. My eyes perked up.

"Do you know who did it?" I asked.

"I was about to ask you if you would know. We did collect a spit sample, but it needs to be analyzed in the lab first."

"The only one I can think of is my ex boyfriend Yuuto Anamora."

"We will look into him and give you updates. Could we get a number?"

I gave the officer my number. They both left to discuss something and I was left with my thoughts. Riku wouldn't want me to cry over him. He would want me to avenge him somehow.


The officer returned back to me. He pulled out a small box.

"I am sure he wanted to give this to you, but I felt you should take this right now." He handed me the box and I opened it to see the ring. My lip quivered and I thanked him.


I told Ayame what happened and what was going to happen. She offered to stay with me but I told her I needed to be alone.


That night I laid in bed alone. Even with my heart breaking I didn't want it to cloud what I had to do. The ring was perfect and it sat on my ring finger. That hand rested on my belly.

We were about to build a life together. The world always had a way of changing that. If I can't have that life with Riku then I want to satisfy myself by getting the justice Riku deserved. I looked over to my phone with google opened up on different types of guns.

To Be Continued

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