19: Beginning (Ruki)

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19: Beginning

I was speechless. I didn't expect her to kiss me like that. I always had a sense we were good friends, but now I wasn't sure how to feel. My body took control as I laced my fingers behind her head in her locks and pulled her in for a deeper kiss. Our tongues danced around in our mouths and I felt so much sensation all at once.

She eventually pulled away.

"I'm so sorry." Her swollen lips and blushing face looked guilty.

"No, it's okay." I said catching my breath.

"I just. I..." she looked in a lost of words so I helped her out hoping I wasn't incorrect.

"I like you too Emi. Not because of my past. I just like you for you."

I didn't know what I said that was wrong, but it made her cry even more. I quickly got out the car and went to her side to help her out. I pulled her in a tight embrace.

"Emi, I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong?"

"No..I just. I knew in the back of my mind for a while now that I like you. I was so scared to do what I just did in fear you'll be repulse by me. I guess what you said made all the weight in my body subside."

"Hey, how about we stay at my place for a while until you're okay to go back to your father. You can seriously report him for what he did."

"No! I don't want to." She said instantly. "He is all I have right now. I don't make enough to live on my own just yet."

"You can always stay with me." I suggested. My house was too big for just me anyway.

"I can't do that. It wouldn't be right?"

"I don't mind. We can have a lot of fun gaming time together."

She looked to be in thought. I didn't want to pry or come off too strong.

"I'll think about it."

"Wanna stay over tonight? I'll let you beat me." I chuckled.

"I won honestly." She said giggling.

My heart warmed up every time she had a smile to her face. I glazed my hand lightly on her non swollen cheek. Her eyes opened and stared at me. I leaned in to place a gentle kiss on her lips.


When we got back to my place I set her up a bath. I told her I had to run down to the store to gather the cupcakes on display before they got too stale and old. She agreed. 

I drove down to the store and grabbed my keys out. Midway through unlocking it I heard a man's voice.

"Excuse me, are you opening?" He asked. He looked around my age and he was with another gentleman that was carrying a guitar. I've never seen them before. Normally I see locals.

"I wasn't intentionally going to open up, but did you guys need something?"

The two guys stared at each other as if speaking telepathically. It made me feel a little uneasy.

"Well we know exactly what we want. You think we can just pick it up real quick?"

"Sure." I thought a customer or two would be good. We haven't been opening for a little anyway.

I let them in and they both went straight towards the back. I made my way to the cupcakes to store them. Maybe I will bring them home or take them to the nursing home. The nursing home normally is always quite excited for free cupcakes. I quickly and carefully placed them all in boxes and bagged them up. Afterwards I made my way towards the register to wait for those guys.

"Hey, here you go." They both rushed towards the register and slapped down a book. It was some music book with the music sheets of all famous pop songs.

"You play?" I asked the guy who had the book.

"My brother here does. Are you the owner?" He asked randomly.

"Well I practically am." I said chuckling lightly.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"My grandfather is the real owner, but he's passing it down to me. Why? Are you looking for employment?" I eyed them. They didn't seem to be the type of guys I would hire anyway due to all the tattoos and their demeanor. It was as if they were up to no good.

The main guy clenched his jaw a bit and forced a fake smile.

"Nah, we were just wondering is all. What's your name?"

"I'm Riku." I said. No point in hiding it. If he were to come here while I was in uniform, I would have my name tag.

"Cool. See you." They started walking off.

I should have asked them for their names, but I just felt really off I couldn't explain it.


When I got home I saw Emi playing Mario Kart on her own. She's so cute. I went over to her and handed her the box of cupcakes. Her eyes lit up.

"All of these for me?"

"This is just one box. I have three. I will give the other ones to the nursing home, but yes all for you." I smiled.

"What took so long?" She asked.

"I had to sort some inventory is all. I'll be back." I went upstairs to peek out my balcony window. I saw a car across the street with those two guys in it. Did they follow me? What was their problem? I felt Emi shouldn't leave my house for now until they are gone. I pulled out my cellphone to call the police, but when I looked back up the car was gone.


"Everything okay?" Emi asked me as I made my way downstairs.

"Yeah, all is okay." I went over to sit next to her.

She did something unexpected and she went to snug up next to me. I was flushed and pulled her close.

"Thank you so much Riku..." She said in her tiny voice.

To Be Continued

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