29: Again (Emi)

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29: Again

Life was oddly like a fairy tale. I was skeptical at first because I felt Riku was just too good for me, but I couldn't help but feel an equal by the way he stares at me and holds me.

I had a day off and Riku had to work that day which bummed me out. He promised to come home early though so I was looking forward to that. I wanted to surprise him with cooking dinner. I came to realize he didn't share the same love I have with Chinese food, but maybe he just hadn't eaten the right Chinese food so tonight I will change his mind.


I walked through the supermarket searching for the ingredients I needed until I felt a poke on my shoulder. I looked to see Yuuto. My face drained of color until it regained some when I saw a girl linked on his arm.

"Hey Emi, nice hair." He smiled. "This is my girlfriend Jenny."

I knew her. She was the book club lady. I felt so embarrassed seeing her.

"Hey! I remember you. Sorry I couldn't do the book club thing." I said.

"No it's okay! I understand." She smiled.

"Have you guys met?" Yuuto asked confusingly.

"We met when I worked at Tea & Read." I replied.

"Ah. Well Emi you are looking good. I hope we can catch up sometime if you wanted to." He smiled. It was so weird seeing him. He looked calmer. His hair wasn't as wild. It was only a few months, but he looked more mature. I am happy for him.

"Oh, maybe." I said only because it seemed appropriate.

"Hun, I'm going to get the beef." Jenny kissed Yuuto on the cheek and went off. I suddenly felt nervous just it being us two.

"Dating? No hard feelings. I have gotten over it clearly."

"I do have someone." I didn't want to lie in fear he will catch me in it and the consequences will be worse.

"The guy you worked with?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said hesitantly.

He placed a hand on my shoulder as I flinched.

"Emi, take it easy. I am happy for you. I'm sorry for how I was with you. I am getting better I promise." He smiled. "I'll see you around."

He walked off to the meat section. I was holding my breath for a long time when he had his hand on me. I suddenly wasn't in the mood to be in there and left.


Riku came home early as promised and he noticed instantly something was throwing me off. He walked up to me where I sat on the couch. He kneeled down to be eye level and lifted my chin.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked worryingly.

Should I tell him that I saw Yuuto today? I shouldn't. It could cause some unnecessary drama. Yuuto didn't do anything wrong and he has a new girlfriend now. We both have our separate lives. I just get shaken even in his presence.

"I'm fine."

"Why the long face sweetie?" He smiled sadly and kissed my forehead. "Want to get ice cream or something?"

"No. I am just overthinking. You know, like I don't deserve this."

"You deserve all of this and more Emi. Don't think otherwise. You make me the happiest man I can be." He smiled reassuringly and kissed me. I love him so much.


Riku was a pretty good chef. He taught me how to make delicious sea food dishes and he showed me how to bake the sweetest of treats. It took my mind off stuff, but I felt like I still had this grim look on my face.

"I saw Yuuto today at the market."

Riku gave me a serious long hard stare as he listened.

"He has a girlfriend now."

"How does it make you feel?" He asked with a monotone.

"I'm not jealous. I just felt nervous and scared." I honestly said.

"He didn't do anything right?" He asked.

"No. He said we should catch up, but I won't do that. I don't want to."

"Okay. Good." He walked up behind me and kissed my neck, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I swung around to wrap my arms Around his neck and stood on my toes to kiss him.

He lifted me on the counter and started to zip down my uniform exposing my bra. He then moves his hand down to tug down my panties as his mouth kisses along the center of my chest.

"Hold on let me go ge-" he said as I stopped him.

"I've just started taking the pill." I blushed. I wanted to feel feel him. I didn't want to tell him that, but I hope he knew by me starting the pill.

He started to slide down his bottoms slightly as he ejected some saliva onto his hand and prepared himself. I could tell he couldn't hold it anymore as he pushed into me. I let out a gasp.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" He sounded concerned as he was pulling away, but my legs quickly wrapped around him to keep him there.

"No, it just feels different, in a good way." My face was glowing as he formed a seductive smile. He started working his movement into me slowly and then quickly speeds up the pace.

We move and moved and it felt amazing. I could feel myself tightening around him every single thrust. I could feel at any moment I could just come all over him. We moved, pant, and kissed until I could tell he was ready to come.

"Ah..Emi..I.." He was slowly pulling out as I held him close.

"Stay, just come inside. I'm on the pill." I said with pleading eyes.

His stare was full of lust and intensity. He nodded slightly as he shut his eyes tightly and released into me. I could feel it warming up my insides more. I thought it would feel disgusting, but it felt so heavenly.

To Be Continued

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