Hacker business - NU'EST Minhyun

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A/N: So I dremt that I was back at home and then there was this kid that I was growing up with. He wasn't my brother or anything, but he;s a very big and I think he's in his 11 or 12 and we get along really well, surpringly.

I think I will be a great mom in the future, don't you think so? Anyway, let's get started! 


"What are you doing, Jisoo?" I asked. 

"I'm pinpointing the location of where this H3O substance could be." Jisoo replied, marking something on her map. 

Seungcheol has given us a mew mission. To find the H30 and take it back to him so that he can take it in safe hands. None of us thought that whis substance is, but Seungcheol did say that it's like water, but only more lucid. If it falls to VIXX, we could seriously be in big trouble. 

"So here's what I'm thinking. I say that we head over to this coffee shop. There's a local insider that can help us provide more info about this substance and will know exactly where it is." Jisoo replied. 

"So I'm guessing I have to sweeten things out a bit?" Rose asked. 

"There's no need for that, trust me." Jisoo said. 

So we headed to the district to see the coffee shop and looked around for where this insider could be. As we looked around for him, we can see someone psst and telling us to follow him to the back alley.

We nodded and headed over there without any hesitation. 

"Okay, so I'm guessing you guys have heard about H30?" 

"Yeah, and you're our man. So what is it? And how we could find it?" I asked. 

"H30 is just iike what your boss has said. It's like water, but it's even more powerful and lucid. You could say that it's a unlimited energy source. Just one touch of your skin and you could become unstoppable. Nothing can bring you down. And if it ends up in the wrong hands, we're talking about the end of Seoul as we know it." 

The girls looked around all worringly. 

"Which is all the more reason on why we need to get to it first before VIXX does." I said. 

"Here's the location of where it is. It's at District 9." 

The insder handed us the location and saw the image of H30 of it.

"But be careful, because H3O is so powerful that it needs a hacker. The security of all of this is seriously no joke." 

"Our friend, Minhyun, is a hacker. Maybe he could help unlock it." Jisoo replied. 

"Man, Seungcheol is so right about you girls. Always looking on the bright side and never knowing when to give up, Good luck, girls. Seoul is in your hands." 

We headed to District 9 and spotted the H30 box. It's projected by blue hologram as we walked closer to it. Then we heard bullets fire all over the place. 

We quickly headed for cover as we got our own bullets. 

"Damn you, Dynamite!" I yelled. 

Rose got her bullets and shot them at Hongbin. Hongbin dodged as a bullet landed him by his knee, but he wasn't fucking affected by that. Hw groaned as he clinged onto his knee as the pain is really starting to kick in. 

"Hongbin!" Hyuk yelled. 

"Oh, now you have fucking done it!" Bomb yelled as he charged at her, but it wasn't with a simple kick and some shielding that saved her life.

"Thanks, Y/C/N. I owe you one." Gone girl replied. 

I nodded as Solo fought off Ken with her swords. 

"H30 belongs to us! We will not let you have it!" Solo yelled. 

Ken growled as he kicked her in the stomach. 

"That's where you are wrong, Solo." Ken replied. 

Flower girl quickly helped on her aid and knocked him out with one punch after the other. While we are distracted, N dashed over to the H30 box and I stopped him by shooting a bullet near his head. 

After some more fighting, we successfully sustained the H30 box and high-fived each other. 

As we got back to our base, I called Minhyun to come hack into the box. He said that he was on his way.

After waiting for a while, we all greeted him as we hugged him as he hugged us back. 

(A/N: Wow......)

"So this is it? This is the box

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"So this is it? This is the box." He replied.

"Yep....... you can hack it, right?" Rose asked. 

"Try me." He winked. 

After waiting for a while and sitting anxiously of whenever this box is going to open, he shouted a 'eureka!' 

"Guys, the box is now open. Not gonna lie, even though I've been expecting this to be tough, I didn;'t think it would be that tough. But after testing some algorithims, I managed to get the wavelength and rewired it." He explained. 

The box then soon opened with some steam like it was a movie. And there is is...... H30. And it's not just one bottle, it's many different bottles. 

I logged onto the camera and contacted Seungcheol, who was playing a game. He saw me and got himself comfortable before fixing up his tie. 

"Boss, we've got great news. Minhyun opened up the box!" I said. 

That's perfect! Now you guys just place it to the hologram and make sure that it's still intact so that I can get it to safe hands. 

I nodded as we carefully placed the bottles on the holograms. The botles have been sended to him one by one. 

Well done, girls. You not only done me proud once again, but you defintely saved Seoul. 

"We could have done it without Minhyun, boss." Jisoo replied. 

"Yes, if it wasn't for him, we would have never been able to open the box." Lisa agreed.

Well well well, Minhyun. I should also reward you with your skills. In fact, here they come now.

The hologram surfaces some brand new hacker tech that made Minhyun's eyes water. 

"Oh my gosh.... this is so cool. Thank you, sir." He bowed in respect. 


A/N: I want some new tech too! 

Oh, I almost forgot! We've got Hidden side: 

And performance video: 

See you next time!!!!



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