2 boys, 1 heart - SF9 Youngbin & Rowoon

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A/N: Lat night's dream, I dreamt about a amusement park/King jullien sequence where I went into this ride and it was more like answering some questions before we move onto the next question. 

I was a bit lost and Julien was not happy about that so he handed me a Mort doll. Annd it really helped lead me where to go, but then there's this monster mort where it's just beyond belief. 

Anyway, let's start with this story! 


"Y/N. Y/N. Y/N!" Taehyun called me. 

I snapped out of my daze and I looked over at Taehyun. 

"What's going on? I've been calling your name for a good few minutes now." He said. 

"It's nothing, don't worry about me." I said. 

"I can't help but TO worry. Please tell me what's going on." He replied. 

"Ha...... Yungbin and Rowoon both told me I have to choose between them since they both confessed that they like me. But I don't want to since I'm afraid I might upset the other." I replied sadly. 

"Then just do what I do..... follow your heart and see who you feel more." He replied. 

"Like how?" I asked. 

"Well..... if both boys like you, then you can just descide by deciding who do you care for more romantically." He placed a hand on my shoulder. 

"Oh..... I get it now..... ish." I replied. 

"And plus, I'm sure no matter what you choose, the other member won't ever change they feel for you or stop hanging out with you just because of that." He comforted me.

I did some thinking after what he said. I do like Youngbin since we've been together ever since we were trainees, but Rowoon is like the perfect boyfriend material. But I know that this can't go on anymore..... I have to make a decision right now. 


I cried as I waited around in the hallway. Youngbin came over and saw me bawling my eyes out as he came to my side. 

"Hey, babe. What's wrong?" He asked. 

"It's my..... you know....." I said. 

He immeaditely understood and I don't even have to explain it to him even further. 

"Are they strong this time around?" He asked. 

I nodded firecly as another wave has hit me.

"Don't worry, that's why....." He scanvenged through his bag, "I've got myself these for you and some chocolate. I know how much you love mint chip." 

"Oh. babe. You are the best."  I said as I took the package and the chocolate. 

"Now you better change before someone else sees." He smiled. 

"Okay, thank you." I said, dashing to the nearest bathroom. 


"Hey, do you wanna play hide and seek with us?" Rowoon asked. 

"No." I said. 

"Come on, it will be so much fun!" Dawon exclaimed. 

"That's the problem, people hide too good nowadays. The way I see it, it's going to take over 3 whole weeks before I can find even one of you." I said. 

"Hey, we promised that we will hide in very easy places." Hwiyoung said. 

"Yeah, this time, we promise to not hide in difficult places." Taeyang replied. 

"Well..... if you guys are sure." I sighed, giving in. 


A/N: Which ending do you guys love the best? 

Let me know so we can get started on celebrating on our birthday! HIP HIP HOORAY! All of you are invited! I'm talking to you who are reading this right now! Please come to my party next week!!!! 

See you next time!!!!



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