A kiss to say how much I miss you - VAV Lou

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A/N: Merry christmas, everyone! I hope you're celebrating it with your friends and family and manymany more. But most importangly, hope you get a butt load of presents!!!

Now without a further ado, let's get started!!!


In their practice room, the boys are just dancing and memorixing their moves as usual before taking a break. The sweaty boys collasped onto the floor, breathing heavily.

Soon somebody's phone is going off and it turned out to be Lou's. He looked at it to see that it was Y/N calling him and smiled. 

(A/N: Wow, he looks like a damn god!!!!!)

He pressed the answering button and placed it on his ear

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He pressed the answering button and placed it on his ear. 

Hi, Y/N.

Hi, Lou. I'm just calling to see how you're doing. 

We're doing fine, just out of breath because of practice. 

What songs are you doing? 

Thrilla Killa and Senorita. 

Oooh, let me guess. You're practicing for a fanmeet, aren't you? 

U-uh.... yeah, that's why. 

Great. Oh, I have to go now, but I'll talk to you next time. Bye!


Lou ended the call with a sad smile on his face. 

"So, who was it?" Ziu asked. 

"It's Y/N." Lou responded. 

"Ooooh, Y/N....." Jacob teased as usual. 

"Wipe that smirk off your face, we're only just friends, nothing more." Lou rolled his eyes playfully.

"You might say so, but in your heart,; it's screaming otherwise." Ayno said.

"But you don't look happy. How come?" Jacob asked. 

"I just can't tell her the truth about why we're practicing. She'll be heartbroken when she finds out." Lou admitted. 

VAV will be going on a world tour and they won't come back until before the year ends. Lou knows that the truth will come out eventually, but... he just can't help to lie because of it. 

"You know, you're going to have to tell her eventually." St. Van told him. 

"Yeah, don't you think it will hurt more when she finds it from the media and not from her best friend?" Ziu asked. 

"It's easier said than done....." Lou said sadly. 

A week later, the boys had packed their luggage and headed out to the airport for their world tour. Then all of a sudden, they heard a voice from not too far away. 

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