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(5.5k reads?...wooooah-oh we're half way there, woooah-oh livin on a prayer! Im gonna play around with PoV's and speech in this one, don't know if it'll work. Tell me down in the comments what you think?)

One might think that the rhythmical noise of a spray can would be calming, relaxing even...One would be wrong.

John stood, out in the rain, horrendously wet and contemplating this matter. He had promised everyone that he was over it. Swore blind that he didn't care. And yet, here he was.

His grey hoodie clung to his torso, soaked thoroughly, and jeans clung dark blue to his thighs. John would probably find the feeling of wet fabric against his skin annoying if he actually had it in him to care. His hood was practically flat against his head, not that it mattered. Really he was just wearing it so he wouldn't be as easily recognised. Vandalism was illegal after all.

John personally thought what he was doing was perfectly sound and well, that wall was far too plain by anyone's standards. He raised his arm and lowered his finger, letting all the anger flow back to him. He moved closer to the wall. John heard the sound of the compressed air whistle through the cap. It was almost on the wall. Almost there. John grinned and-

'What are you doing?'


Sherlock watched, amused, as the boy in the hoodie jumped and turned around

'Who the fuck are you?' His voice was clear and his accent articulated. The boy's expression was mildly irritated, spray can in his hand at his side.

'Who the fuck are you?' Sherlock retorted and the boy looked down at the floor. He repeated 'What are you doing?'

The boy looked up, scornful 'Oh, hoarding elephants' 

Sherlock laughed before glancing at the small gathering of paintings near the top left of his neighbour's wall

'They' he pointed 'are so anatomically incorrect'

The boy looked at him with one eyebrow raised

Sherlock continued 'What sort of dicks have you seen that look like an upside down micky mouse with mumps?'


'That is not something I am described as often'

Sherlock walked out from the shelter near his door to stand next to the boy in grey. He was smaller up close, hair blond, not brunette as Sherlock had first guessed, and tanned skin shimmering with rain water. The colour of his eyes made up for Sherlock's shirt being ruined. He curled one long, elegant hand out towards John

'Here, let me show you'


John watched the dark haired boy out the corner of his eye. He looked horrendously out of place, dressed in a shirt and trousers, stood in a back alley holding a spray can.

'Aren't you supposed to call the police or something' John blurted out, cutting off the boy mid sentence

'Yes...but im not going to because frankly, Victor is an arsehole'

John grinned and the boy looked down at him in amusement

'The name's Sherlock, since you didn't ask'

'John' they shook hands 'So what's Victor ever done to you?'

'Nothing particularly outstanding. Just a bit standoffish and has made a few comments, not that that's a rare occurrence'

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