Ice cream

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(both grab for the last pint of ice cream at the supermarket)

The cold, harsh temperature of the frozen isle was always a welcome relief from the suffocating heat of his dorm for sherlock. He came here frequently during exams for the only thing that he could eat through the whole ordeal. Shifting his weight to his back foot sherlock scanned the iced shelves for the familiar blue and yellow packaging and grinning when he found it. Reaching into the cold container, fingers almost there and-
'Oops sorry mate'
Sherlock swivelled round at the voice and was pleasantly surprised to see a mop of blond hair just a head shorter than him belonging to a very attractive boy looking up at him, only half illuminated in the dim shop lights, with pretty ocean blue eyes, red rimmed with tiredness . Not uncommon given the fact that it was three in the morning. His hands were printed with ink, clearly just finished studying himself and he was dressed in nicely fitting black skinny jeans, a red hoody and blue converse. Sherlock suddenly felt horribly over dressed having not gotten changed from his black tailored trousers and his favourite purple dress shirt ( it was getting a bit, tight fitting, since he begun running again but Sherlock just couldn't bear to part with it)
'Sorry i-' 'Excuse me, i was just-' they both started.
The blond boy grinned 'sorry i didn't see you there'
Sherlocks stomach flipped at the sound of the boys voice, soft and riddled with sleep and he had to fight to keep from blushing
'You too?' Sherlock gestured from the ice cream to the boys eyes. The boy laughed, a full body laugh. Eyes crinkling as he did. The sort of laugh Sherlock Holmes was proud to have caused.
'Yeah, finals. John Watson' john extended his hand
'Sherlock Homes' he replied, shaking johns hand gently 'what university are you from?'
'Kingston, you?'
Johns mouth dropped slightly and sherlock self-consciously ran a hand through his halo of dark curls. What was the matter with him today?
John seemed to recover slightly, he spoke 'well, Mr. Holmes the upcoming scientist from The Imperial college of London, you need this-' john handed him the pint of ice cream, smiling '- more than i do'
Sherlock couldn't help the answering smile finding its way onto his face. John turned to walk away and a irrational feeling of panic fluttered in sherlocks chest 'John, wait!'
John spun around quickly, looking surprised and- something sherlock was ecstatic to see- grinning happily
'Yes Mr. Homes'
Sherlock stuttered over his words before finally settling on 'since you grabbed it first, doyouwanttoshare?' words tumbling out of his mouth quicker than he though possible.
John looked like he wanted to jump for joy 'absolutely' he raised an eye brow cheekily 'What do you say i show your highness the exemplary living standards of the prestigious Kingston college?' He said, extending his arm in a pompous manner
'How could a posh arse like me ever say no to that'

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