new years party

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(HAPPY 2015! i wrote this on new years, because im a lonley little shit, and forgot to upload it)

the final notes of a dance song played into finality from the small house behind him as sherlock sat outside under the starry night sky, the faint buzz of alcohol running through his system. the cold was a nice relief from the prickling heat of sherlock's skin. As the next song (this one an annoyingly catchy pop song) boomed into the night behind him, the black haired man flopped against the cold, rough tree trunk behind him, exhaling happily. Tonight was the first ever party of his life, john's family (family being harry and clara) were holding a new years party and had insisted john and sherlock come, and sherlock honestly couldnt have asked for a better first. the two had stayed a week prior to this and in the meantime sherlock had grown fond of the dysfunctional dynamic the llittle group had. harriet looked very much like john. she had the same kind, blue eyes, she was short and nimble and she had the same sarcastic, slightly pissed off, quippy sense of humour john had. the only differance was their hair, john's blond and harriets a long dark brown. clara on the other hand, was tall and willowy with short red hair, very quiet and reserved but in no means uptight or shy. when around people she knew, she was a social hand grenade. slightly offhand, posibly rude, but kind hearted all the same. they were all slighty broken or outspoken but they welcomed sherlock with open arms and he could ask no more.

"sherlock?" sherlock turned his head to see john walking towards him, clutching a canned drink in both handss "what you doing out here?"

"nothing really, just cooling off" he gladly took the drink john had offered down to him, taking a sip as john dropped down on the grass beside him. "having fun?"

"if by fun you mean an overwhelming feeling of suffocation due to a lack of cool air inside that godforsaken house, then yeah"

sherlock laughed and moved over slightly so john could lean back against the tree. over the past few weeks, sherlocks feelings for john had grew. sherlock was sure he didnt imagine john's burning glances and unnecisary stares, but he couldnt be sure "im glad we came" he said after a while

"yeah me too" john smiled at him. suddenly chants sounded behind them.


"its midnight" john said, barley a whisper


sherlock could feel johns eyes on him


he felt john move closer to him


john's hand was on his arm


sherlock turned towards him


he felt his pupils dialate


sherlock licked his lips, he could feel johns breath on his neck


john leaned in, eyes fluttering closed


sherlock could hardly hear over the pounding of his own heart


and then john was kisssing him. kissing him was the feeling of seeing the sun rise, kissing him was music playing too loud in a club that smelled like cigerettes, kissing john was seeing the stars. he was life and death and everything inbetween and sherlock could focous of nothing but the feeling of johns lips againt his own. johns hands were wound in sherlocks hair and sherlocks hands were desperatly clutching at johns waist, like he was his lifeline (and sherlock guessed, in every way, he was). eventually, and much to sherlocks annoyance, they had to come up for air.

"oh the inconveniant fraility of human lungs" sherlock panted

johns laugh rang out in the night, making its own music. pure euphora bubbled in sherlocks stomach.

" long..ive wanted to do that" john gasped.

sherlock felt himself blush and looked away bashfully, smiling down at the ground. he felt john snake his fingers into his and link their hands together. sherlock rest his head upon johns shoulder, he had never understood why couples held hands but he did now. it wasnt about possesivness, it wasnt about making a statement, it was a desire to be close. together. a comforting touch of reasurance.

"honestly, you're a nightmare. i came out here to cool down, not increase my pulse by 35 counts" john grumbled in false annoyance.

sherlock didnt know whether it was the cold, the sugar in the drink or the high of kissing john fucking watson oh my god but oh god did he laugh.

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