its nearly christmas

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'no but seriously if i could dedicate a christmas film to your brother, it would be a muppets christmas carol'

'i really dont see the point in all this john, what exactly is the appeal of hanging circluar glittering things onto a dead plant and then further smearing the pride of its name by decorating its mutilated corpse in lights on strings and topping it in a fictional creature. its all very macarbre'

John looked up from the knot of lights in his hands to send a pointed glance at the black haired boy sat sulkily on the floor near the fire.

'just put the bauble on the tree sherlock'

'you cant make me do it' sherlock crossed his arms childishly and turned his head away from john, who had raised his eyebrow at the boys behaviour.

'oh yeah?'


John fixed both his eyes on sherlock and half-whispered in a deathly low voice 'i will burn your chemistry set'

sherlock gasped in mock horror and dramtically cluctched at his throat 'you wouldnt'

'i woul-

'you wouldnt'

'i wil burn it alll'

Mycroff appeared from the kitchen with a distainful expression on his face 'for once could two behave like mature adults'

John turned away from sherlock and looked up at Mycroft from his place on the floor 'Mycroft, my dear freind. i am 18 in just over 5 months and your brother even more so than that. i will not act like 'a mature adult' a day earlier than needed. and i can safley say the same goes for your dear brother over there'

'go back to your pie' sherlock smirked, pulling himself from the warmth of the fire and hanging the silver bauble on the branch of the large christmas tree (catching john fist pump out the corner of his eye)

The night of christmas eve was spent curled up against john's chest for sherlock, feeling safe and content, watching the snow fall slowly out the window to the rythem of a christmas movie sountrack.

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