Thank god for the creeper

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(after the crippeling anxiety that my work isnt good enough that rendered me useless for days, i am back. and this time, i am armed with the soft encouragements of my friend. this is my take on 'its really late and i called your number because im scared au')

it cant seriously be morning already

sherlock groaned and opened his eyes. its still dark out. so what is tha-

the phone resting pricariously on the side of his book pile was threatening to topple off at any moment and the harsh, invading light of his homescreen stung his eyes. thank god its still on vibrate sherlock mused as he leapt up from his bed, just in time to catch the falling phone before it shattered. for the sixth time. hardly my fault these stupid phones cant withstand the conditions of lab experiments.

irritaed, he hissed into the phone 'what?'

a loud, and undoubtedly scared, voice rang through the speaker in what sounded like a desperate portrayal of ease 'hiya greg, its john. what time did you say amber was meeting us?' seems some drunk idiot has dialled the wrong number. joy.

'look john-' sherlock snarled  'you clearly drunkenly dialed the wrong number so if you dont mind im going to go back to bed. have fun dealing with whatever has so frightened you out of your wits' sherlock finished angrilly, voice barley above a whisper.

john's voice dropped to a quiet murmer 'no wait please! my sister, she got involved with some girl and her brother isnt happy about it and he's involved in a drug ring and everything and this guy has been following me since i left the old bailey, he's six foot and i think he's got a fucking knife. i dialed a random number and got you okay please mate stay on the phone with me-' he raised his voice once again '-sorry what was that greg, didnt hear you. you still in the party? jesus, thought you left 10 minutes ago'

for reasons genuinly unknown to him, sherlock found himself pausing over the 'end call' button. a voice inside his head spoke come on, you've been there. you know what thats like. are you really gonna leave him? he seems intellegent and you've not got anything better to do.

'not intellegent enough to think of calling the police' sherlock muttered. with a sigh, he raised the phone back to his ear 'fine... where are you?' sherlock heard him breathe a small sigh of relief

'me? im outside the old barns. why, you meeting me here?' john replied, voice quavering less with each word.

'he's been following you for 3 blocks?' sherlock half-shouted, instantly regretting it as he checked for any distrubances in his parents snores. thankfully, there were none

'yeah i think thats best, no need to pay twice in cab faires. just meet me at speedys and we'll go from there' john replied, some fear slipping into his voice. an attractive voice at that

sherlock smiled despite the situation as he lay back down on his bed 'i must say, im slightly impressed at your ability to give me answers without actually replying directly to my questions'

john laughed as part of the imaginary conversation he was having with 'greg'  'it must be one of his talents'

'nice' sherlock only just caught the slight giggle that slipped out of john's mouth before he masked it with a cough 'so how old are you, john' simply making conversation. im not actually interested sherlock defended, against who he wasnt sure

'she's 16! are you kidding me?' john shouted in incredility he's clever for a sixteen year old.

'i assume you want to know my age as well?'

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