the fridge

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(things get fluffy when i write at 12am apparently)

sherlock sat, hands steepled under his chin, staring blankly into space. eyes occasionally flickering from side to side. since there clearly wouldnt be any chance of getting any more conversation out of him, John walked out the living room and into the kitchen, flicking on the kettle and walking over to the fridge. Speaking out loud as he went

"okay do we have milk"

"no!" Sherlocks voice sounded from the living room. John heard a quick succession of footsteps getting progressivly louder from behind him.

"oh god the inanimate objects have finally spoke back" john widened his eyes in mock horror at the fridge


"i mean I knew this day was coming but this soon?"

"you're an idiot"

"Oh! so rude, weird you sound like Sherlock though. I expected you to be like the tree-thing-from-pocahontas type, ya know"

"please be serious"

"okay, okay" john turned to sherlock, holding his hands up in surrender "what is it?"

"today is the day" sherlock looked back at john gravely

"the day?"

"the day i face the most mentaly challenging thing i have ever come across in my whole 16 years of life"

John shifted nervously "what is it?" he spoke softly

Sherlock looked hollowly out the small kitchen window before turning back to john, face anguished "today is the day-" sherlock paused "-i have to buy mycrofts birthday present"

John just about threw the milk at him.

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