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(thankyou so so so much for 2k reads, i literally cant thank you all enough. ive never been this happy ever. so, as celebration, i have attempted to write a longer oneshot than my others so i really hope you enjoy it and again, thank you all so much)

John didnt even know why he took the job in the shitty little shop in the first place. the hours were long, the shop smelled funny at the best of times, he knew literally nothing about science, his boss was the most demeaning sodd john had ever had the unpleasent luck to work under but most especially he had to put up with the most arrogant, rude, ignorant and snobbish customers in the world. but John had never met a customer quite like Sherlock Holmes. it was about three in the morning when he had come in, hair wild, eyes deranged and cheeks flushed. he had slammed his hands down on the counter and spat 

'i NEED a incredibly important chemical and your useless, pathetic shop DOESNT HAVE IT!'

john tried his best not to scream as he practically fell out of the chair he had previously been asleep in 'Sir im going to have to ask you to calm down-'

'i most certainly will not calm down!' he had bellowed 'wont you get it into your thick skull, i need this chemical by my exam at ten o'clock this morning and if i dont get it i wil-'

'Sir, please calm down. if you say what chemical you're looking for i could perhaps check our stocks but to do so i must ask you to be civil'

john didnt know why he was stammering. he'd said this line to thousands of customers before this (and he was likely to say it to thousands of customers after). he guessed it was because none of the other customers had been this, well, attractive. Sherlock had this aura of refined beauty about him that made it hard not to stare, and John could tell he knew it.

Sherlock rolled his eyes but took a deep breath nonetheless. he sighed and muttered 'Oxytocin... and my name is Sherlock Holmes, do try to stop caling me sir. its rather grating'

he spun on his heel and strided towwards the store room (john hadnt the faintest idea how he knew where it was) with john in suit, who definitly didnt stare at his arse, and stopped at the door, looking at john impatiantly. with a sigh john slid his key card into the scanner and roughly placed his hand on Sherlocks chest (and oh dear god he was toned under his shirt) who had made a move to step in

'sorry Mr. Holmes, only store employees allowed' he muttered apologetically before stepping in to the freezing cold store room

'its Sherlock!' John heard him shout from the doorway

'wait, what chemical was it?' he grimaced.

John distinctly heard him mutter something along the lines of 'ohmygod im dealing with an idiot' before shouting back impationatly 'Oxytocin'

john must have searched for ten minutes before relucantly admitting defeat and walking back to Sherlock (who was now pacing and staring at his watch worriedy) 'we're all out-' he sighed and sherlock began to shout again but john cut him off loudly '-however, i have an idea'


and that was how john ended up where he was now. in his car, with a total stranger, driving to the nearest academic shop in search for a chemical that john had never even heard of. it was wrong that it was the most fun he'd had in a long time. the past ten minutes had been spent in mostly silence, with john desperatly trying to make conversation. in a last ditch attempt, john said

'so, what are you using this...oxytocin..for anyway'

'why do you care' sherlock snapped, looking uncomfortable sat in the passenger seat of johns beat up chevvy imapla.

'with all due respect, im sat in the car with a man i barley know, driving to a shop in the dark where no one would think to look for me. you could either be planning to murder me or im unknowingly assisting you in getting your future murder weapon' john snapped back. he took a deep breath. he started again calmly 'look, ill make you a deal. you answer my questions and ill answer any you have about me'

'that wont be neccisary' sherlock muttered

'and why is that'

'oh please. you're not from a wealthy familly, thats shown by the state of your car and the fact that you're working a night job when you shouldnt even be worrying about money for at least another year at the minimum, you're more clever than most people give you credit for whether by merticulous studying or not. you had books on high level maths, english and science on your desk, that shows that you're a) clever enough to uphold many subjects of a high demand and b) undecisive of what you want to do but are knowledgable enough to know to take many subjects to give you a better chance when it does come to making a decision. when i first came in you were polite and respectful even after how i spoke to you and when you noticed me you pulled yourself up straighter and spun on your heel when you turned, subconsiously of course, this points to either being in military training yourself or having a parent in the armed forces. most likely the second as your father, the fist sized bruise on your neck is much to big to be a womans, uses disiplinary actions in and around the home even though he never used to. this has lead to your sisters alcoholic tendancies and your mothers depression and you yearn for a time when you were all happy. this links back to you having a job because, being kind and responible beyond your years, you have taken it upon yourself to provide for your family in place of your father. you feel cornered and trapped and you dont want to be open about your bisexuality because of what happened to your sister when she started to identify as lesbian so instead you are willing to stay unhappily closeted and unable to be yourself because you're not selfish enough to put those who you care about through that again. i think thats sufficiant enough information' he finished and stared lamley out the window

john relaxed his fists on the steering wheel. 'that...was incrediblle'

sherlocks head whipped round and his eyebrows shot up 'what'

'that was incredible! surely you know that. that was absolutly fantastic, how you knew all that. granted im slightly...pissed. that you know more about me that my family do but you're fantastic nonetheless. has no one ever told you that?'

sherlock cast his eyes downwards. 'no. never' he cleared his throat 'er.. thank...experiments' he stuttered


'thats what im using the oxytocin for, an experiment. im trying to mix chemical love for my exam. its dangerous though, just slightly too much of either chemical could have side effects such as schizophrenia'

'jesus. and this oxytocin can cause love can it?'

Sherlock blushed 'er..yeah, in a way'

'well i have to say im impressed' John smiled as they pulled into the carpark and he could have swore he saw Sherlock smile in the reflection on the mirror


they must have been to 15 shops that night before they finally found the chemical and, although he woudnt admit it to anyone but himself, John was slightly disappointed that they did. He and Sherlock had talked much more from that point onwards and John felt himself fall in love with Sherlock more and more as the conversation progressseed and he was sure he caught sherlock staring at him longer than neccisary once or twice (he was trying desperatly to convince himself that it meeant nothing. that sherlock would never take interest in someone as ordinary as John and not to get his hopes up)  ever since then John had looked for him in public and once or twice he had mistaken strangers for Sherlock, only to dissapointed when they turned around. in fact, that was what he was doing  now- sitting in the old public library, dejectedly flicking through the pages of his book and occasionally staring sulkily out of the window when he heard a familiar baritone voice from behind him

'you know, i never did catch your name'

john span around so fast he nearly got dizzy and grinned so hard he thought his face might shatter 'John. John watson' he inwardly cringed at how plain and ordinary his name sounded but it seemed to have no bad effects on Sherlock, who's mouth quirrked up on one side in an almost endearing manner

'well, John Waston, would you fancy going for a coffee?'

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