Morning Chaos

69 2 40

TW: Foul Language, Slight Internalized Homophobia, Implied Suicidal Thoughts.

The soft morning light streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room, signaling the arrival of a new day. The tranquility of the morning was abruptly disrupted by a series of groans and mumbled protests.

BASIL stirred in his sleep, his eyes fluttering open as he became aware of his surroundings. As he slowly blinked away the remnants of sleep, he found himself in a rather unusual and somewhat uncomfortable situation.

SUNNY, apparently still deep in slumber, was clinging to him like a koala to a tree, one arm draped over BASIL's chest, and one leg thrown possessively across his hips. SUNNY's head was nestled on BASIL's shoulder, his soft breaths tickling BASIL's neck.

To make matters more chaotic, on the other side of the bed, KEL was teetering dangerously close to falling off the edge. His body was precariously balanced on the very edge of the mattress, and his arm dangled over the side, almost grazing the floor.

BASIL's eyes widened in surprise and mild panic as he tried to figure out how to extricate himself from this tangled mess without waking his slumbering friends. He carefully shifted his weight, attempting to disentangle SUNNY's clingy embrace without disturbing him.

However, SUNNY, even in his sleep, seemed to sense the disturbance. He let out a soft, sleepy murmur and tightened his grip on BASIL, nuzzling closer, inadvertently making it even harder for BASIL to escape his cuddly hold.

At the same time, KEL's unstable situation grew more serious. He was on the edge of the bed, and he let out a quiet, muffled groan as he instinctively attempted to steady himself.

BASIL, feeling a growing sense of urgency, finally gave up on being subtle. He gently but firmly attempted to extricate himself from SUNNY's grasp, carefully disentangling his friend's limbs from his own.

SUNNY, though still mostly asleep, seemed to sense BASIL's efforts and pouted in protest. 'No... don't go,' he murmured, his voice filled with sleep-induced reluctance.

BASIL couldn't help but let out a quiet, exasperated sigh. 'SUNNY, I need to get up before KEL falls off the bed,' he whispered urgently, hoping to rouse his friend from his slumber.

Just at that moment, KEL emitted another groan, his body leaning perilously toward the floor. It seemed like he might wake up suddenly if he didn't manage to keep from falling.

SUNNY, now slightly more awake, finally relented and released his hold on BASIL. He shifted in his sleep, allowing BASIL to carefully slip out from under him.

BASIL managed to free himself from SUNNY's clingy embrace and quickly moved to the edge of the bed, reaching out to steady KEL before he could fall. With a gentle but firm touch, he prevented KEL from toppling over the edge, averting a potential disaster.

KEL, now safe from his near-fall, let out a relieved sigh in his sleep, his body relaxing as if he sensed BASIL's protective presence.

BASIL, still somewhat frazzled from the morning's events, couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief. He glanced down at his two friends, one clinging to him in his sleep and the other blissfully unaware of his near fall, and couldn't help but smile despite the chaos.

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