The Twins

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After finishing his breakfast, he cleaned up his plate and utensils, and then grabbed his backpack from the nearby chair. With a determined mindset, he headed towards the front door. He slipped on his shoes and grabbed his jacket, making sure he had everything he needed for school. As he turned the doorknob, he took one last look around, hoping to catch a glimpse of MEWO before he left.

As BASIL prepared to leave for school, a small but crucial thought crossed his mind. He paused for a moment, his brow furrowing as he mentally retraced his morning routine. Then, with a slightly exasperated sigh, he turned away from the door and walked back into the house, making his way to the kitchen.

He opened the medicine cabinet and reached for a small bottle containing his prescribed pills. With a practiced ease, he swallowed the pills, chasing them down with a sip of water. Once he was sure he had taken them, he closed the bottle and returned it to the medicine cabinet. 

With his morning routine complete, BASIL was ready to head out for school. As he turned the doorknob, he took a last look around, his gaze landing on MEWO, who had trotted into the living room.

 The sight of him brought a genuine smile to BASIL's face. He knelt down to pet MEWO's head and scratched behind his ears.

'Hey, buddy,' BASIL whispered softly to the dog. 'I'll see you later, okay? You be good.'

MEWO responded with an excited tail wag and a few licks to BASIL's hand, showing his affection in his own charming way.

With a final pat on MEWO's head, BASIL straightened up, shouldered his backpack, and stepped outside, closing the door gently behind him. The fresh morning air greeted him, and he took a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief as he distanced himself from the tense atmosphere inside.

However, his thoughts were interrupted when he spotted a familiar figure leaning against the fence near the sidewalk. It was SUNNY, his expression a mixture of uncertainty and longing. His presence was unexpected, and BASIL couldn't help but feel a pang of emotions welling up within him.

SUNNY's dark hair caught the sunlight, creating an ethereal halo around him. He pushed himself off the fence, standing up straight as their eyes met. There was a brief, charged silence between them as they locked gazes, both seemingly at a loss for words. 

BASIL's scowl grew even deeper when his eyes locked with SUNNY's. He really wasn't up for unexpected run-ins, especially after the tense breakfast he had just endured. He gritted his teeth, his resolve to dodge any more emotional drama evident in his expression.

Without saying a word, BASIL walked past SUNNY, his footsteps purposeful and his posture tense. He was conflicted – a part of him wanted to stop, to hear what SUNNY had to say, but another part of him was fed up with the rollercoaster of emotions that came with their interactions.

SUNNY's voice reached him, tinged with a mixture of regret and pleading. 'BASIL, please....'

BASIL kept his gaze forward, his steps steady as he continued to walk past SUNNY. He could hear the desperation in SUNNY's voice, but he was determined not to let himself get drawn into this emotional turmoil once again. His heart may have been conflicted, but his mind was resolute.

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