I Hate You...

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TW: SELF-HARM, Foul Language, SUNNY, Arguing. 

BASIL slowly walked down the stairs, he inhaled deeply before reaching the floor. He looked to the right of him and there stood a door. That was where MARI's piano stood, he didn't know if they had still kept her piano. It wouldn't hurt to go and check.

BASIL approached the door, hesitating momentarily before reaching out to turn the doorknob. The door creaked open, revealing a dark room. He could barely see anything, but he could feel the presence of the piano. He stepped inside, letting the door close behind him.

He took a few steps forward, his hands reaching out in front of him to feel his way around. After a moment, he felt something cool and smooth beneath his fingertips. It was the piano. It was covered in dust and cobwebs, it seemed no one has entered this room in a long time. BASIL closed his eyes and ran his fingers over the keys of the piano, feeling the familiar weight and texture of each one. He remembered how MARI used to play, her fingers dancing across the keys as if they had a life of their own. He could almost hear her playing now, the melody ringing out in the empty room.

BASIL couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over him as he stood there, remembering all the times he had heard MARI play this piano. It was as if she was still here, in this room, playing for him once again. He opened his eyes and looked around, noticing some old sheet music scattered around the piano. He picked up one of the sheets and blew off the dust, revealing the notes and lyrics of a song he didn't recognize. He wondered if it was something MARI had composed herself, or if it was just something she was going to play before her death. It wasn't his business, she was long gone now. 

He sat down the music sheet on the piano where it belonged. He turns around, navigating in the darkness towards the door. BASIL reaches his hand out for the doorknob, he twists it and opens the door. He looks back with a  somber expression before leaving the room. As BASIL stepped out of the room and closed the door behind him, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness in his heart. Sure, MARI was a terrible person but she wasn't that way to everyone. Maybe she would've stopped if SUNNY told her his feelings about her behavior.  

BASIL shook his head, pushing the thought out of his mind. It was too late for what-ifs and maybes. The past was the past and there was no changing it. 

He takes a deep breath and walks towards the living room. SUNNY's father was sitting down on the couch and watching the television. BASIL greeted him with an awkward nod before peeking into the kitchen. He found SUNNY's mother cleaning the kitchen. BASIL felt a wave of shyness wash over him as he watched her clean the kitchen. He wasn't sure what to say or how to approach her. He had always been a bit reserved around adults, especially those he didn't know very well. He stood there for a few more moments, trying to gather his courage before finally stepping into the kitchen.

'Uh, hello Miss...', BASIL spoke nervously, rubbing his arm. 

SUNNY's mother turned around and smiled warmly at BASIL. 'Oh, hello there, BASIL! Do you like your room?' she asked, setting down the dish towel she had been using to dry her hands.

BASIL looked away, 'Yeah, it's....fantastic..', he focused his attention on the floor. 'When is SUNNY going to uh come 'home'?', He asks. 

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