The Prick Who Visited The Hospital

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TW: Foul language, Suicidal thoughts, Depression.

Although the hospital was not far, BASIL's legs were aching from the lengthy walk. Nonetheless, he manages to make it to the hospital and enters, heading towards the receptionist.

'Uhh, Do you know which room KEL is in?', BASIL says. He puts his hands in his pockets.

The receptionist looks BASIL up and down before making a disgusted face. 

'Last name?', The receptionist snottily says. 

'[REDACTED], KEL [REDACTED].', BASIL crosses his arms, staring at the receptionist who was typing away on their computer. They sigh before glaring at BASIL.

'Room 110. Now shoo, I can smell you from here.', The receptionist rolls their eyes before looking back at their computer.

BASIL huffs and makes his way up the stairs. He was used to people looking at him that way. Though he can admit that he did stink a bit, he hasn't had a shower for weeks. Not that POLLY would even allow him to shower which was stupid in his eyes. He takes a deep breath before heading into KEL's room. KEL looked to be seriously injured in his legs. Jeez, HERO must've done a number on him. BASIL approaches KEL who seemed to be lost in thought. 

'Hey.', BASIL says calmly.

KEL shakes himself out of his daze and turns his attention towards BASIL, visibly exasperated as he rolls his eyes and lets out a deep sigh. He massages his temples in annoyance.

'Not the time BASIL. Go away.', KEL glares at BASIL.

BASIL crosses his arms and pouts. He went to all the trouble to visit his 'friend' and this is what he's greeted with? 

'Wow okay. Hello to you too, yeesh.', BASIL looks away clearly upset.

KEL fixes his gaze on BASIL for a few moments before rubbing his forehead in exasperation. BASIL smirks in response and returns the look.

'Ugh, what do you want?', KEL says in a tired voice.

'Oh nothing, just wanted to bother you that's all.', BASIL innocently smiles. What he was saying was half the truth but he didn't think KEL would believe him if he told him that he came because he was slightly concerned.

'You just LOVE tormenting me, don't you? Just go away.', KEL sighs annoyed.

BASIL drags a chair over to KEL and sits on it with an annoying smile. KEL groans.

'You never fucking listen, I swear.', KEL huffs.

'Yup.', BASIL smirks.

BASIL leans on the armrest with his palm on his cheek.

'You gonna tell me what happened?', BASIL asks curiously.

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