End Of Day 1

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TW: Foul Language

As BASIL walks away from HERO and KEL's house, he stretches, feeling exhausted from the events of the day. While checking his bandages, he accidentally bumps into someone, causing him to stumble backwards.

'What the fuck?! Watch where you're going, idio-', BASIL cuts himself off before realizing who he bumped into. It was SUNNY. He must've been on his way to go home.

'Huh?? Watch where I'M going? You're the one walking with your head down!', SUNNY frowns.

'Ugh, I don't want to deal with you right now SUNNY.', BASIL sighs. He was far too tired to deal with this two-faced prick. He would rather deal with KEL than with SUNNY. 

'Oh, you ALWAYS don't wanna deal with me. Am I that much of an inconvenience to you, BASIL? Am I?!', SUNNY starts to tear up, he seemed upset? Frustrated? He didn't know.

'I...Yeah, you are that much of an inconvenience. You bother me 24/7 plus your stupid little henchmen bothered me today! AGAIN!', BASIL shoves SUNNY, before walking past him. Ignoring SUNNY seemed like the best option for him today, as he didn't feel like arguing and knew that SUNNY would eventually get bored and move on to bother someone else.

'BASIL wait! Buddy...Pal...Can't we talk this out?', SUNNY grabs BASIL'S wrist. In response to this, BASIL snatches his arm away from SUNNY before glaring at him. 

'You never wanted to talk to me before so we don't have anything to talk about now. Leave me alone, SUNNY.', BASIL shouts as he continues to walk. SUNNY viewed their interactions as a game, with no genuine concern for BASIL. His sole pleasure came from manipulating and provoking him, like a puppet on strings. The irony was not lost on BASIL that SUNNY was no different from his twisted sister.

He remembers SUNNY despising MARI for forcing him to play the violin. We NEVER should've gotten him a violin for Christmas. MARI wouldn't have been so abusive to SUNNY if we hadn't. BASIL runs his fingers through his hair and sighs. He was honestly hoping that SUNNY would chase after him but of course, he didn't. What was he even expecting? He wasn't SUNNY anymore, that PERSON will never be the SUNNY he came to know and love. He took a quick glance behind him to see SUNNY staring right back at him. Those eyes...They were dead and broken. Like someone had taken everything away from him, like someone ruined his life. BASIL quickly turns his head back around, he shouldn't have looked back. He really shouldn't have. BASIL reaches the stop sign, he looks to the left and to the right. You could never be too careful around here, there were always cars speeding. He was honestly surprised no major car accidents happened in this shitty town. He decides to head to the secret hideout, barely anyone visited the place and it's where he always slept when POLLY was a bit...drunk. He quickly crosses the street and passes the now almost empty park. He knew it wasn't completely empty as there was always some type of gang fighting there. He looks behind him just in case before heading into the secret hideout. He sits down at the edge of the dock, peering into the water below him. Once the water stopped shaking due to his movement it showed his reflection. A tired and lifeless BASIL only stared back at him. He really needed to sleep more. He would've been able to sleep early if it wasn't for HERO.  Now that he thought about it, HERO was acting really weird. He wasn't his usual angry and short-tempered self. At first, it scared the hell out of BASIL, HERO being nice? Who's next? POLLY? But after spending some time with him, it didn't seem like he was tricking him. BASIL didn't 100% trust him but it felt nice that someone actually cared for him. Even if it was the same person who made his life a living hell. He wondered if KEL knew of HERO's recent behavior. Ah, wait KEL was still in the hospital, wasn't he? He probably doesn't know yet. Should he go tell him or let him see for himself? He should probably let him see for himself. BASIL chuckles, he wondered how KEL would react. Would he be surprised? Maybe relieved? Wait...why was he acting so calm about this? HERO was acting differently WAY differently. Wasn't that a concern? So why wasn't he...worried? BASIL sighs, he must be out of his mind. He assumed that this change wasn't 'life threatening' so he just accepted it. But he accepted it way too easily, was he that desperate for HERO to change? Lying back, BASIL gazes at the sky, a blend of reds and oranges signaling the approach of night. He hadn't anticipated the day passing so swiftly.

'Jeez, I'm gonna be in so much trouble with POLLY.', BASIL mutters to himself.

 What was he going to do now? Should he just stay here and stay the night? It would make him avoid POLLY for the time being and he wouldn't get a beating. He might as well stay here, not like he had a choice. Now that HERO was 'nice' he should take advantage of him as much as he can. He realized HERO had genuine care for him, and he could manipulate that to his advantage. He could easily convince HERO to get him food and clothes by acting like a homeless person, which wasn't difficult since he already looked like one. Guess he finally had something to thank POLLY about. Free food and free clothes, what else could he get from HERO? Maybe a place to stay? Actually no, he would rather die than stay at KEL's house. Their mom is something else, even worse than POLLY. Just thinking about her made him get goosebumps. He shivers, he rubs his arms for some warmth. It's supposed to be summer but the nights here are awfully chilly. He sighs, it was nothing new in CLOSEBY. Shitty weather, shitty people, and a shitty town. There's nothing good that comes out of CLOSEBY but misery and agony. No wonder the people here are so fucked up in the head. BASIL gets up and goes beneath a tree. His eyes were starting to get droopy and tired. He yawns, today was an eventful day. He leans against the tree as he slowly starts to fall asleep.

(1109 words) 

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