015. no sugar, no milk

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chapter fifteen
015. no sugar, no milk


    PAMELA HEARD from Steve once he was back in New York. It always made her smile slightly when he texted, because even though she's told him▬and she was sure a lot of people had told him▬that he didn't need to sign off every text because she had his contact saved as his name, he still did it. As she stopped in front of the Avengers Tower in New York, she couldn't help but glance upwards and immediately regret it when the heights made her a little woozy▬as if the tower was tilting down onto her. She always made that mistake and shook her head, trying to pull herself back together before stepping inside. 

    Avengers Tower was once Stark Tower, but after the Battle of New York, the big Stark planted right at the top of the skyscraper had been struck down and replaced with an even bigger 'A'. towered above any other high-rise in New York; a sleek, slender spire shooting out from an ugly blocked facade as if someone had tried to put the pieces of two Lego box creations into one▬it didn't work, it was obnoxious and Pamela had no clue what Stark was trying to tell the world. She always believed that a hero didn't need to tell the whole world all that they have achieved▬as soon as they did, it felt fake; it felt forced. 

    Then again, Pamela had worked at the Triskelion for a lot of her ex-career. (Perhaps she had learnt her lesson). 

    She had to step inside anyway. Walking through large automatic doors onto smooth tiles in an extensive lobby. For a moment, she always felt as though she entered a lavish motel rather than a high-security complex for Earth's mightiest heroes. But it was always crowded▬always. The building was huge, and it definitely had the capacity filled. Even on the ground level, Pamela saw people going to and fro▬their jobs far more busier than the life outside those sleek doors. She didn't even know what half of them would even be doing. 

    Pamela stepped out of the way of a rushing lab tech who was trying very hard not to stumble with his tray of coffees▬only just making it into the next elevator before it closed. She pursed her lips and continued her path to the front desk. 

    Admittedly very awkward, she hovered at the edge of the sleek wooden desk and waited for the receptionist to glance away from her computer monitor. When she did, Pam offered a stiff smile. "Hey. I'm ... uh ... I'm Pam. I'm here to see▬uh▬Mr. Rogers?"

    "Captain America?" the receptionist arched a brow.  She then chuckled. "You have to be the only person I've heard call him Mr. Rogers. Wow. What's your name?"

    "Pamela," she fiddled with her fingers. "Daniels▬Pamela Daniels. It's not a meeting or anything. I know him."

    The receptionist glanced at her, surprised. "You ... know him?" she sounded sceptic. "Personally. You know Captain America?"

    "I know Steve, yeah."

    She looked as though she didn't believe her. Pamela wondered how many random people came in pretending they knew the Avengers just to get even a sight of them. But then the girl sighed and handed her a visitor's pass. Pamela took it with awkward fingers. "You're heading to the▬"

    "I know where to go," said Pam. She didn't mean to cut her off but she wanted to get out of this awkward situation as soon as possible. Pamela wasn't good at these sorts of things. "Uh▬thanks."

     As she walked away, she huffed to herself and rolled her eyes. Pamela used to be a ruthless S.H.I.E.L.D. (actually HYDRA) agent who was comfortable with anything▬nothing phased her. She was curt, and rigid and could kill people if she wanted to▬she has killed people. That same person was also secretly an awkward mess, she has learnt very quickly. 

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