Nice to meet you

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Credit: photo from Madds 🐙on Pinterest

My fingers tapped against the leather door to the beat of George Ezra's Budapest. The orange sunset rays dancing on my face as the cool breeze blew in my hair. My father sang whole heartedly next me as he drove down the road to our new home.

"Give me one good reason why I should never make a change." My father sang.

This was the happiest I've seen him in years. We just left h/t after my dad divorced M/n my mom. Well, my mother, she wasn't really ever a mom. I guess having children wasn't part of her "life plan", that would explain why I was an only child. It doesn't matter now anyway, now that my dad and I are free from that woman.

Different buildings passed by as I looked out the open window. I was captivated by the beauty in this place. The new faces, the history it held in its walls...all of it.

"Hey I'm kinda hungry and I don't feel like cooking tonight." My dad said looking at me. I looked back at my father with a smile.

"I hope this isn't your way of getting me to make dinner." I said to him looking forward. He laughed and suggested we go grab a quick bite at a mini mart we saw. It had this Armenian cuisine place and my dad suggested we try that. I wasn't really feeling hungry so opted for a snack at the store adjacent.

I browsed the isles while my dad got his food. A boy that looked about my age walked in and asked the cashier where the pepto bismol was in Spanish. The cashier directed him on where it was as I grabbed some skittles, gummy bears and a small packet of chips and made my way over to the register. I stood behind the boy who was slightly taller than me, he wore a red and gray hoodie that suited him and in front of him was a blonde man that kinda looked homeless. (Sorry Johnny. I still love you tho)

He was talking to cashier asking him if he could get his slice of pizza on a plate and for him to hurry up. The cashier bent down looking for one as per his request.

"My grandma's not feeling well." The boy said holding up the pepto in his hand. He nodded slightly at the man. Maybe they knew each other? It doesn't matter anyway, it's not like I'm ever gonna see them again.

"Didn't ask. C'mon, what's Spanish for 'Just give me my damn slice'?" The man responded rudely.

The cashier got up after his futile search, "F***king idiot. He probably has a small d**k." The man replied in Spanish.

The boy smirked at this as I put my hand to my mouth trying to suppress the laughter threatening to escape my body. 'I guess those three years of taking Spanish classes finally paid off' I thought to myself.

"What did you just say?" The cashier ignored him. "What did he say?" He asked us.

"Oh you don't wanna know." I said with a smile still on my face.

The blonde man insisted on knowing what the cashier said and the boy told him still smirking at the joke. The blonde retorted not know the cashier also spoke English. He threw his owed amount at the cashier and stormed out of the store.

Soon after a group of boys around the same age as us walked in and made their way to the back of the store to where the fridges were located.

The boy gave his item over to the cashier to ring him up and he turned to me with a smile I can only describe as heavenly. "Hi, I'm Miguel. I wouldn't have taken you for someone who knew Spanish...not to say you're not smart. You're pretty but I don't know you so... ughhh I'm so sorry about that." He laughed at his awkwardness.

This made me smile even more. I'm not really one to strike up conversations with people I just met in a convenience store but I felt the need to talk this particular guy. "I've never had a stranger call me pretty in a convenience store before. You're not to bad looking yourself. I'm Y/n by the way. I just moved into town like 5 minutes ago."

*•.¸♡ 𝚃𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 ♡¸.•* // Miguel Diaz x reader//Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt