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I pulled into the Mini-mart parking lot and parked my car, mentally preparing myself to get into practice today.

I was actually excited for today but Miguel kept popping into my head. Not being able to talk to my best friend was brutal, but this was what the situation was.

A group of teenagers gathered around the doors of the dojo, probably having seen the tournament. I adjusted my bag strap and walked over to the dojo when in the corner of my eye, I spotted Hawk and Miguel walking up to the doors of the dojo.

They approached the door and one boy opened it for them, seemingly out of respect for the two. "So, you guys wanna be Cobra Kai's, huh?" Hawk faked a punch at them and the two boys backed away. "You got a long road ahead of you."

"Go easy on them Hawk. You don't wanna scare off our new recruits do you?" I said walking up to them. I patted hawk on the shoulder before walking into the Dojo. As I did so, mine and Miguel's hands brushed against each other, a spark of electricity dancing on our hands.

I tried to ignore it but I kept thinking about him, how I missed him. How I missed talking to him about my every problem.

"Everyone fall in." Sensei yelled at us. He'd made all the new students leave just smoke this lesson but told them to come tomorrow. We all fell into our rows facing Sensei Lawrence, where I stood next to Hawk.

"Must've been a rager, Sensei." Hawk said with a smirk, thinking Sensei had thrown a part here.

"Were you celebrating all weekend?" Miguel asked.

"Celebrating what? My students are a bunch of pussies." The two boys stopped smirking as Sensei spoke in disappointment. "Diaz, Hawk upfront."

The two boys stood in front of us. The room was silent as Sensei walked around the boys. I made eye contact with Miguel sensing something was wrong with this whole situation.

"Hawk. Did you attack your opponent when his back was turned?" Sensei's voice commanded sternly.

"Yes, Sensei." Hawk replied, his eyes moving to follow Sensei. "Diaz. Did you purposely attack your opponent's injury?" I gripped the end of my gi as we watched Sensei talk to the two.

Miguel replied owning what he'd done. "Yes, Sensei." Sensei Lawrence stopped in front of the boys and looked them in the face.

"You think that makes you badass?" Sensei questioned. Miguel tried responding but only managed to put out a stutter. "What's the matter, too tough a question?"

Miguel looked down in shame while Sensei kept talking. "Maybe you need some help. Miss L/n."

"Yes, Sensei." I replied. Sensei started walking around us. "Two cobras in the jungle. One kills the strongest lion, the other kills a crippled monkey. Which cobra do you wanna be?" He questioned.

"The one that kills the lion, Sensei." I replied.

"And why is that?"

"Because it killed the stronger animal." I looked towards the two boys who were already starting to look pissed.

"Correct! Cobra Kai is about being badass. And the baddest badass is the one who beats his opponent when he's at his strongest." Sensei walked up to Hawk, looking him in the eye. "Not when his back is turned." He moved and did the same to Miguel. "Not when he's injured! Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sensei." We replied in unison.

The lecture continued and at the end he made Miguel and Hawk do push up while the rest of us had to do normal drills in our white belts.

*•.¸♡ 𝚃𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 ♡¸.•* // Miguel Diaz x reader//Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt