Take a right

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"This could all be over in an instant. The decision's yours!" Everyone was breathing heavily as we all endured the painful process to find who trash Miyagi-do. Sensei Lawrence walked around the sweaty rows of students asking us about what transpired and who was responsible. My muscles were burning as we were forced to workout.

"Sensei we really don't know who did it." Miguel breathed clearly exhausted from the workout. Kreese stood watching, "Someone knows something." He said. "Questions is...who's gonna break?"

Sensei's office phone rang, "Keep going. We can do this all day!" He walked into his office and thankfully Kreese gave us a break from this torture.

I collapsed in my spot taking in deep breaths and stared at the ceiling. Miguel walked over to me and pulled me up so we could get some water. We passed by Hawk and Kreese taking but I could only make out a few word. "Tell...did it. Don't worry..." I narrowed my eyes at this. Was Hawk responsible for all of this? I turned back to see Hawk walking away with a guilty look on his face, despite him trying to hide it.

"Mig, do you..." I contemplated my next words but shook my head. "Do you wanna come over to study tomorrow. I just remembered that we haven't had some time alone in a while."

The boy nodded as he took another gulp of water, "Sure. But what were you actually going to ask me?" I gave a small smile. "You caught that, huh? I'll tell you later."

Sensei suddenly had to leave for an emergency so Sensei Kreese took over for the time he was gone. We moved to the back to use the equipment. Aisha and I were working together while simultaneously supporting each other in the torture we were experiencing.

My muscles burned as Kreese walked around "Keep going. I have all day." Every part of my body hurt and thinking about going all day really made me wanna collapse to the floor and lay there for hours.

"Do you think it's ok to puke in here?" I heard and turned my head to Raymond, one of the new students. I furrowed my brows, "No." Aisha said when she heard the question. "Navy SEALS puke all the time." He said trying to reason.

"Do not puke." I said in slight horror. Miguel stood beside Tory as they worked the ropes. "He's not gonna let up. We got to figure out who did it." He said.

"I bet it was sh*t-breath." Tory said looking at Mitch. He instantly got up, "Hey, screw you."

"What'd you say?" The girl challenged as she dropped the ropes. I stopped my workout as the two walked over to each other. Thankfully Miguel was there to break them up before they started fighting.

Kreese walked forward, "Stop!" The commotion stopped as we faced the man. "Would you really like to know who did it? It was Hawk." He said gesturing to the boy. Miguel started getting angry and turned to the boy standing next to him. Hawk's face was full of guilt when Sensei Kreese spoke up again. "And it was Diaz." I turned to Kreese and gave a 'what the hell' look.

The man continued as he named all of us. I let out a sigh knowing where this was going. "When one of you makes a move, you all make a move. You live and you die with the consequences and the spoils. Because you are all Cobra Kai." The man paused as we took small glances at each other. "Main dojo, five minutes. You're about to begin your real training."

"Combat! Aits!"

Tory and Mitch circled each other as the rest of us watched from the perimeter of the dojo. Mitch threw the first hit but Tory managed to block it and threw a kick of her own. The two sparred until Tory got the point. Miguel declared the point to her as she backed away panting.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jul 10 ⏰

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*•.¸♡ 𝚃𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 ♡¸.•* // Miguel Diaz x reader//Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt