Fire and Ice

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"So I did a deep dive online, and you were right. Sensei's definitely Keene's father." Hawk tells Miguel and I while we warm up on the mats. Miguel lets out a sign and shakes he head . "I just don't understand why he wouldn't tell us."

"I don't know, maybe he had he's reasons. He wouldn't hide this from us unless he had to right?" I say bringing my arm up to stretch.

"Nah, that still doesn't excuse it. And it's probably why he's giving us sh*t for kicking Keene's ass at the tournament." I smacked hawk on the arm.

"First of all, it's called sportsmanship, you don't cheat to get your way, there's a certain code you follow in karate. Meaning that was a jerk move you pulled back there." I scold.

Hawk looks at me while rubbing his arm, "Show no mercy, Y/n. That's what he taught us. Unless it's he's son. Then we've gotta be pussies"

"Wooow, Hawk you—" before I could get into my sentence Aisha came up to us to ask if we'd seen the Miyagi-do video Mr LaRusso posted recently.

"Sam's dad started his own dojo and disses Cobra Kai." She said angrily. I get why she was so mad cuz Mr LaRusso threw hella shade at Cobra Kai.

Just then Sensei Lawrence came in and stood in front of the class. "There's a lot of talk going around the Valley about free karate. But everyone knows that in life you get what you pay for."

Sensei stood in a stance while one of the other students stood in front of him holding a bonsai from Mr LaRusso's dealership. "You wanna really kick the competition?" Sensei asked as Aisha recorded. Sensei then kicked the potted plants having it shatter and sending dirt flying everywhere. "Then you bed to get your ass over to Cobra Kai. Screw that lame meditation bullsh*t."

They finally stopped filming when they were satisfied with their result. "Make sure the Cobra Kai snake comes in at the end, all right? I want it to really pop." Sensei instructs Aisha.

The girl nods as Sensei starts walking to the back. "Make it chrome. And throw 'Thunderstruck' under it"

"Yeah no, we can't get the rights to that." I say shaking my head.

"No, I already own it. Cassette's in the car." Sensei said stepping back. "Oh, and put one of those hash browns at the end. You know like, 'Hash brown, Team Cobra Kai' or something. And send it to the internet!"

Aisha walked up to me so I could help her edit the commercial and her with some ideas on what to add. The two boys that stood next to me seemed to disappear but I didn't think much of it.

"We could add some music that doesn't need to be paid for, can't we?" I asked Aisha. "I could look for some online, something that could fit the vibe of the dojo."

"Yeah, I like it. Something just as hardcore as us." The two of us laughed and continued talking when I saw Miguel walking back into the dojo looking dejected.

"Hey, I'll be right back." I said to Aisha, walking to Miguel. "Hey, what's got you so down?"

Miguel let out a sigh and shook his head. "Nothing, it's fine. I'm fine." I gave him a look.

"Miguel, I know when you're not fine. What's wrong." I took his hand in mine and gave it a comforting squeeze.

"I'll- I'll tell you later." He said as Sensei came back and started the lesson for the day.  I frown at his response not knowing why he was shutting me out. Was this about Sensei and Robby? I guess I'd just have to find out when he's ready.

*•.¸♡ 𝚃𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 ♡¸.•* // Miguel Diaz x reader//Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt