Its great to meet you, sir

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School was a drag by the time lunch rolled around. The boys and I were walking with our  lunch in hand when we saw a commotion on the other side of the cafeteria. Sam was standing in front of Kyler and his gang of mindless muppets.

Kyler called out to the whole cafeteria making fun of Sam and the rumor he had sped about her. The entire cafeteria gasped and laughed, even the "friends" that we're supposed to have Sam's back we snickering at there table.

My grip tightened around my lunch tray, I couldn't help getting frustrated at the situation playing out in front of me. I just knew I had to do something.

"Hey Kyler!" I called out throwing my lunch tray into Aisha's table. "Why don't you shut the hell up and stop being such and asshole."

Kyler scoffed taking a step towards me, Miguel putting his tray to the side and stepping in front of me trying to shield me from Kyler.

"Back up man." Miguel warned. Kyler smirked at Miguel. Cockiness plastered across his face.

"You want another beat down, Rhea?" Kyler said as he pushed Miguel back. "I'm ready for your lame-ass karate this time." Kyler finally shoving Miguel into the table Aisha.

Miguel grunted as he hit the table but quickly get up, "Its not lame-ass karate." At that Kyler threw a punch at Miguel.

"It's Cobra Kai." I said blocking the punch and I threw a punch of my own at the boy. Kyler stumbled back holding his hand to his face.

Kyler lunged at me trying to tackle me but I dodged out of the way pulling Miguel with me. Kyler tried throwing a punch at Miguel this time, trying to at least hit one of us.

Miguel caught his arm and punched him in the face. The boy did a spin kick and sent Kyler flying into a nearby table.

"No mercy." Aisha cheered in the background.

One of Kyler's minions tried hitting Miguel from the back when I ran up to him and kicked him in the side of his ribs. The curly haired fell to the floor in pain when another up to Miguel and grabbed his shoulders.

Miguel pushed him back and I kicked another guy across the room. Miguel ran to another table and rolled in it as the guy with the curly hair ran toward him and another toward me. I push a chair in front of him causing him to trip and fall on his face.

Miguel grabbed a lunch tray and smacked Kyler and some other guys in the face. I saw one of the boys getting up and making his way towards Miguel, instinctively I ran and jumped onto a table and used it to push myself up and kicked the guy in the face.

Loud gasps and laughter echoed the lunch room. Kyler got up not knowing when to stop and ran to Miguel, however Miguel got onto a table and hit Kyler in the face with it, finally knocking him out.

The lunch room filled with cheers and applause for the both of us. Miguel stood on the table and looked at me. I gave him a big smile before a teacher came in and pulled us out of the room.

"All four of them?"


"Even that big dumb one?" Sensei asked. Miguel and I had just gotten out of school and we're now at the dojo.

Miguel stood in front of Sensei recounting the earlier events. "Yeah, it all happened so fast. Everything just came together. I was blocking. I anticipated, I slithered."

"Miguel actually kicked ass today, Sensei. You should have seen him." I said taking a bit out of my gummy worm.

Sensei nodded taking it all in, "Huh, your mom's gonna kill both of us. And don't get me started in your dad." Sensei said and pointed a finger at me.

*•.¸♡ 𝚃𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 ♡¸.•* // Miguel Diaz x reader//Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt