Think with your legs

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It was around 6:36 in the morning when Sensei called us in for training. I was on the floor stretching my arms and legs while Miguel was punching a dummy. He started getting a lot better with his punches recently, probably because he was practicing at home as well. With each punch his yellow shirt moved loosely around his torso and he held a focused eye fixed on his target.

"You're getting pretty good there, Mig." I said extending my leg on the mat. "Thanks N/n. I've been practicing a lot but my Yaya has been acting weird recently. Like last night she looked at me like I was doing something weird."

"Maybe she thinks you're doing some adult stuff in your room the whole time." I said giving him a wink and let out a chuckle. The boy stopped punching the dummy and gave me a weird look. "What? Your 16 and you're a guy. You're growing up and your body's changing..."

"Ok I'm not gonna get into a puberty talk with my best friend. Especially about my body." He said laughing.

I looked up at the boy laughing, "Would you rather it be about mine? Because we can have that conversation." Miguel looked away in embarrassment and blushed.

Just then Sensei walked out of his office holding a few pieces of paper. "Hey, you don't happen to have any friends who wanna learn karate, do you?"

"Aw, what am I saying you don't have any friends. Sorry." He said looking down at the papers.

I looked up my teacher a little offended. "Hey I have friends." Without looking at me he shrugged, "Ok, you're an exception. Anyway we need new recruits. You think you can ask them to join?"

"I could try but I'm making any promises."

"Hey Sensei, when am I gonna learn to do some kicking? I was watching a YouTube video of a guy breaking boards, and it looked badass." Miguel interjected.

"Yeah, no sh*t. Kicking is badass. But you're not ready." Miguel's shoulders slipped at this. "Besides if I don't get more students in here, I won't be able to teach you anything."

"You've thought about advertising, right?" Miguel asked as if it was the more obvious thing in the world.

"Yeah, duh. Of course."

I looked at him with a 'really' face. "You could advertise at our school. I'm sure there kids that wanna learn how to kick ass."

"Good idea, buttercup."

A few hour later in the cafeteria, a woman was talking to us about cyber bullying, why not to do it and whatnot. I had my head laying on Miguel's shoulder as we listened to the woman. Most of us were in our phones but some were paying attention.

Eventually she started talking about a kid that was bullied for his facial deformity. We all knew she was talking about Eli. The poor kid put a hand to his face attempting to hide his scare as the kids around us started whispering and looking at him.

"Our goal here is to make our school a safe place for all students." The woman concluded.

"If they really wanted that they wouldn't have made it so damn obvious. I'm sorry Eli." I said giving him a comforting smile.

Miguel looked towards Eli, "You know, if you're sick of getting bullied, our karate dojo's looking for recruits."

Before Eli could respond Demetri interjected, "Yeah, right. You hear that Eli? A little karate training, and you're gonna kick some major ass." He held up his hands moving them around his face.

"Hey, you don't know what you're talking about. Karate is some serious business, I would definitely be able to kick your ass right now if I wanted to. Heck Miguel could even do it." Miguel sat up a bit but pulled me back to lean on his shoulder. "He even offered to give you both discounts if you wanted."

*•.¸♡ 𝚃𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔 ♡¸.•* // Miguel Diaz x reader//Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt