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??-"I want his sister all mine..take her here!!"he said as his all man nodded at him'yes'and left after bowing at him

??-"I will also saw you how it felt to do this with others...!! Like you did with my sister i will also do the same with your sister..just wait and watch!!"he gritted his teeths and clenched his fist tightly..

"boss we found her she is in her college...if you say yes our man will take her here..!!"he said to his boss and looked down not to want to do eye contact with him in fear...

He looked at his man then a smirk appeared on his face hearing about her..so it's mean so she is going to be his with force or love he don't care he just want her here so he can give her brother the same pain he felt years ago...

??-"take her here...!!"he deeply said with his cold tone...

After a while all of his man take her here to his mansion yn was badly trying to escape from there grief because of fear and she was struggling to free herself from them...

They took her with them and leave her infront of the male..she looked at the male who is back facing him she make a confused looked looking at him as she is not able to see him...

??-"so you came?i was waiting for you so long darling!!"he said with deep husky voice but didnot face her...

??-"Wh-who are you?Ho-how you know me?"she feardly asked while galping her saliva in fear...

??-"You know me very well Wang Yn!!"he said and turned back she gasped looking at him and wasnot believing...

yn-"jun-jungkook oppa?Wh-when you ca-came from abroad?"she asked being all confused after all she is seeing him after 4years...

Jungkook-"i guess you don't me to come back!!"he innocently smiled looking at her...

Yn-"its not like that ..!"she said he smiled looking at her started taking steps forward her..

Jungkook-"i have so many things to do with you yn!!"he smiled while she just made a confused face


Jungkook-"boys tell her brother that his long lost bestfriend is going to MARRY his sister...!!"he said looking at her with his cold eyes something she never saw in his eyes'hatred'she is seeing hatred in his eyes for him but why..

Her breathe stopped hearing him...he is not serious right?but he is looking serious!!she started thinking the person whom she always considered as her brother is now wants to marry her that too without her will...why?

Yn-"opp-oppa you are jo-jokinh right?"she asked hesitantly...but he just laughed at her

Jungkook- "no baby I am not joking!!"he said 'baby'he always called her by this but this time its seems like he meant something else...

Jungkook-"we are going to marry after 2days baby!!"he said while poking his tongue inside his mouth...

Yn-"bu-but i con-considered you as a brother!!"she said finally tears are filling in her eyes and she sobbed...

Jungkook-"maids take her in her room..make sure she don't cry or hurt herself...cuz Only I Can Make Her Cry And Only I Can Hurt Her..!!"

He said and left from there leaving her all dumbfounded what he meant?why he is doing this?what he wants from her?only questions are roaming inside her mind but no one is here to answer her questions...

Maids cames to her and take her inside her room she saw all necessary things for wedding is kept on the bed and room this mean he is not joking it's true he is going to marry her with her will or without her will...

*Time skip*at night yn is crying in her room while sitting on the bed she don't wants to get married in 19years age that too with the person whom she was

considers like a brother..nor she wants to marry a 29years old man who is 10years older than her she is sobbing hard while gulping her saliva time to time and sniffing....

Jungkook came inside the room it's almost midnight he came drunk in her room while she is still crying she looked at him with her puffy red eyes while sniffing hard..he started walking towards her with his startled footsteps because of drunkness...

She felt scared seeing him drunk and in her room in this midnight he came sit infront of her and smiled looking at her face..he tugged her hair behind her ear...

Jungkook-"why you didn't sleep yet?hmm?"he innocently asked but she didn't answered he felt angry and looked at her with his dark gaze"F..cking answer my question!!"he shout making her flinched hard...

Yn-"i-i wa-wants to go home!!"she lowly said but he heared her and looked at her and laughed like a mad man...

Jungkook-"you are captivated here baby...you will only live with me..!!"he said while leaning closer to her face....

Jungkook-"I Will Give You The Same Pain He Gave To My Sister!!"

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