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Hana was going in the hall but she heared some arguments from there she looked there and saw jungkook is siting infront of a man while they both are glaring at eachother like they are gonna kill eachother

Hana -“who is the man there?”she asked to the guard infront of her while pointing towards hall

Guard-“he is a police officer mam and he came here to give boss warning…!!”

Hana-“oky…what is the officer name?”

Guard-“kim taehyung!!”she nodded at him while thinking about him

Hana-“kim taehyung!!”she murmured to herself and left from there…


Taehyung-“DID YOU ABLE TO FIND SOMETHING OR NOT?”he shout making the whole police station flinch in his roar while jae is looking down 

Taehyung -“oh god jae i can't stay long to catch that jungkook…!!”he gritted his teeth after taking jungkook's name from his mouth

Jae-“dont worry i am going to find something about her..!!”he said and left from there without taking any response from taehyung 

Taehyung sighed and sit on his seat..it's been 3months but still he didn't able to find anything against him jungkook is so cunning he never left any evidence against him after doing a crime nor the men's who go against him…

Everyone has a believe on him that he will catch jungkook because of his sincerity in job no one can defeat him…governor has specially give the case to him…


Jungkook-“noona!!”he said while going inside her room she looked at him and hummed in response

Hana-“what happened?”

Jungkook-“i am going to U.S.A for a important meeting so I want you to look after yn…because I only trust you…!!”

She looked at him for sometimes without answering anything and was in her deep thoughts he looked at her confusingly before shaking her shoulder

Hana-“yeah i will don't worry!!”she said with a smile 

Jungkook-“thanks noona so i am leaving now..!!”he said and went out from the room…

Hana-“sorry jungkook but you are doing wrong!!”she murmured to herself looking at his disappearing figure going out she sighed heavily thinking about the matter…

Hana-“i have to meet him!!”she said to herself 


Jae-“sir i have found her pic and her information!!”

he said walking inside the room where taehyung is siting…he gave him the files he took them and started reading the information and atlast he saw the photo of her

Taehyung -”why i feel like I have seen her somewhere that I know her…?”he asked to himself confusingly

Jae-“actually sir I have found a pic of her with you…and maybe the pic was taken 3-4 years ago!!”

He said giving him the photo which taehyung took confusingly

He looked at the pic and got shocked he is not believing that it's true or not 

Taehyung -“yo-you sure she is the girl whom that jungkook married?”he said looking at him with a hope that he will say no but unfortunately he said yes which make him sad

Taehyung -“yn!!”he murmured thinking about her..

Jae-“how you know her?”

Taehyung -“because she is the girl who made me feel like family…she is the light in my darkness!!”

he said with tears in his eyes…while thinking about the past


A 15year old girl is walking with her friends in the school field as it's break time she saw a boy siting on the bench alone she excused her friends and came to him and sit beside him

??-“hey…why you always sit here alone..?”she said softly hearing a girl voice he looked up and saw her siting beside him

??-“because i am alone..!!”he said sadly while looking at the ground

??-*gasp*“you don't have friends?”he nodded at her“btw what is your name…?mine is Wang yn!!”she said cutely which make him smile at her

??-“kim taehyung!!”he smiled at her

Yn-“Taehyung oppa will you be my friend?”she said giving her hand to hand shake he looked at her

Taehyung -“oppa?”

Yn-“yes you are the same age as my brother's so you are also my brother…so will you be my friend now?”she smiled at him cutely

Taehyung -“sure cute sis!!”he said patting her head

Taehyung -“what are your brother's name?”

Yn-“wang chang and Jeon Jungkook and I have a elder sister too she is jungkook oppa's elder sister..!!”she cutely said

Taehyung -“jungkook is your cousin brother right?”

Yn-“no he is my brother's bestfriend so he is also my brother..!!”

Taehyung -“you are so cute yn..!!”he said pinching her cheek

Taehyung -“what your parents do yn?”

Yn-“i don't have parents…for me my brother's and sister are family .!!”he felt sorry to ask that question so he mouthed her a sorry she nodded at him with a smile

Yn-“your parents?”

Taehyung -”i too don't have…they died when I was 3years old..now i am an orphan!!”he said sadly

Yn-“dont say you are orphan see your little sister is here…!!”she said cutely while pointing towards her he smiled at her and nodded

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