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After coming to home he show Hana her room and then went to his room he don't go to yn's room top much because she didn't get over from the trauma jungkook give her she still illusion every man as jungkook and got panic every time she have many time shout in taehyung thinking him as jungkook

That's why he need a girl to comfort her to accompany her and he don't trust anyone and as Hana helped him so he believed her that she will also take care of yn

*At night*he came to hana's room and looked at her who is sitting on the bed thinking something deeply he came towards her and sit beside her

Taehyung -"i know that yn's brother did the same with you like jungkook was doing with yn...tell me everything I will also give you justice trust me!!"he said looking at her she smiled looking at him sadly

Hana-"you can't..we don't have enough evidence against him..yes he did the same with me and he killed my boyfriend too..!!"she started telling him how her life got ruined by yn's brother

Taehyung-"dont worry..we can but for that we have to heal yn..only she can help us..my junior told me after arresting jungkook chang hide himself somewhere!!"

Hana-"such a bastard..here his sister is in pain and he is thinking about his safety..!!"she murmured angrily

Hana-"i will help you to heal her that innocent soul need care and love..i don't care about my justice but i care about her she is my sister..!!"she smiled

Taehyung -"please go to her room and give her medicine she don't let me come inside she thinks me jungkook!!"he sadly smiled

His heart hurt all the time whenever yn shout at him angrily thinking him as jungkook whenever she cry telling not to hurt her he just wants to see her happy

Doctor said she will recover but it will take time as the wound is still deep so it will take time to get healed jungkook didn't even ruined her physically but also mentally

Hana-"hmm i will take care of her don't worry!!"she said and gone to yn's room

Taehyung -"did you all show him the hell?"he said going inside the locker and looked at jungkook who is breathing heavily police has beated him brutally but still kept that playful smile on his

Jungkook-"its nothing taehyung..look it's don't hurt..you know when I felt hurt when that dog touched my sister when he ruined her that time I felt so much hurt!!"he cried in pain

Taehyung -"that doesn't mean you will do the same with an innocent soul..you consider as your sister it's your responsibility to save your sister not to ruin her!!"he growled angrily

Jungkook-"its my choice..don't interfere!!"

Taehyung -"dont you feel guilty?"

Jungkook-"i don't feel anything..i don't have heart anymore!!"he said looking at otherside

Taehyung -"anyways your sister will get her justice soon...now signed this!!"he said putting a paper infront of him jungkook looked at the paper and read it carefully

Jungkook-"i am not Fvcking giving her divorce..go from here!!"he shouted at him angrily

Taehyung-"you have to signed them...!!"he said before leaving from there

Jungkook looked at him angrily he had promised to himself he will never leave yn...he will make sure to taste her the hell with him...


1year passed like that yn's health become a little better now...she don't illusion jungkook every now...but the fear is still haunting her...

Her brother had came to meet her but she told taehyung to take him in jail because he is also a criminal he also did the same crime like jungkook and they both only deserve punishment

She refused meet her brother...after knowing what her brother did with Hana...she felt disgusting of her brother...

Now only one brother left in her life whom she considered her savior or maybe more than that.. taehyung just did his responsibility as a brother...
and he is always with her whenever she need him....

Her health is good now so taehyung wants her to complete her studies...to become successful in her life....

Hana is still living with them...and taehyung fell for Hana he proposed her to be his wife..and as Hana feel the same she accepted it...because taehyung is a good person and becoming his wife is blessed for her....

Hana went to visit jungkook many time but he never signed the divorce papers even Hana also told him... he don't want to set her free he has become crazy to hurt her...

Even he knows that chang is also in jail and yn has refused to meet her brother but still the fire of revenge didn't gone from him...

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