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??-“Did you found any evidence against him?”he asked while looking at the files with his sharp gaze

??-“No officer Taehyung He is indeed intelligent that he don't left any evidence against him!!”his assistant officer said while looking down in respect

He put off the files angrily it's been 3 years since the case is going on other cops and officers didn't able to find any evidence against him so the government send taehyung for insearch of this case

Kim Taehyung is a intelligent and very loyal police officer he is specially known for his intelligence and fearlessness he is a powerful police officer

And this case is also very important for him he have to find evidence soon

Taehyung -“Hmm any news about that bastard Jae ..!!?”He said looking at his assistant officer

Jae-“He is going on a party today with his wife..!!”

Taehyung -“he have wife..?who is the unlucky girl..?”he said being all confused and shocked

Jae-“yes i don't know her name because he didn't official their marriage…!!”

Taehyung -”hmm we are also going to that party!!”

??-”lea..leave me i am not going anywhere!!”she said cryingly while the all maids are forcedfully making her get ready

??-”WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?”he shout while coming inside the room all maids bowed at him and looked down in fear…

Maid-”Boss she is..”he cut her off

??-”I WILL MAKE HER UNDERSTAND LEAVE THE ROOM NOW…!!”he said strictly and all the maids left after bowing to him her feared increased looking at his angry face her breath hitched and she was breathing heavily in fear while clutching her dress tightly

He started going towards her angrily and hold her arms tightly

??-“You have become mannerless Jeon yn should i teach you manner right now!!?”he asked while holding her arms more tightly making her hitched in pain while tears started coming from her eyes

Yn-“I always have been called you oppa and always considered you as my brother but what you did in this past few days was unbearable..you have ruined me badly Jeon Jungkook!!”she said while looking into his eyes with her raging eyes she have beared alot now her feared also decreased because she knows what will he do if she don't obey him so don't give any fvck to his action she wants to die nothing else right now her all hope is die..


They both came to the party whether all the couples are looking normal but they are not anyone can say by reading her eyes that she is in forced relation he has held her wrist so tightly so she can't ran away from here

But does he even know she don't want to run away but wants to finish her life so she will not have to bear this pain daily

Jungkook took her to his friends and started talking with them but when his eyes meet the person he looked at him smirkingly and leaving yn there he went to him

Jungkook-“long time no see…!!”He said gulping his drink

??-“Obviously my friend because i have to wait so much…but don't worry soon we will meet again and again…until the day will be last day of your life…!!”he said looking at him with a smile

Jungkook-”Officer Taehyung Finally You accept me as your friend i like this…!!”

Taehyung -“ofcourse police officer and criminal's are friends right…!!”jungkook nodded at him

Jungkook-“By the way you were talking about my last day what is this officer?”

Taehyung -“well that day will come soon!!”

Jungkook-“Hmm!!”he said and turned his head to look at yn then again looked at him

Taehyung -“By the way I heared you have a wife who is that unlucky girl I guess she is so unlucky to have a partner like you!!”
jungkook looked at him angrily before laughing

Jungkook -”i don't know about her luck but I can change your so don't interfere in my personal life officer..!!”he said and left from there

Taehyung saw him leaving from here then he looked at the direction where jungkook is going and saw a girl there the girl is so much familiar to him but he don't know how

He wants to meet her once but he knows he can't go to her Infront of jungkook he have to wait to get a chance to meet her

*After some time*Jungkook and yn leave the party and went to home because of guards taehyung didn't able to meet her

Taehyung -“we have to meet her jae i think she can help us to get evidence against him..!!”

Jae-“But why she will go against her husband!!?”

Taehyung -*chuckled looking at jae*“do you think any girls will marry a criminal like him I bet he forced her!!”

Jae-“I will try to meet her…!!”

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