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Hana-"i am sorry brother but you left no option for me rather than helping him putting you in trouble!! I hope you will forgive me!!"she murmured to herself while going towards her room

Taehyung -"doctor yn is oky right? Nothing happened with her...?"he asked the doctor worriedly after leaving from jungkook's mansion he took her to hospital

Doctor looked at him he said everything what happened with her and that she tried to harmed herself many times after watching her wounds

Doctor -"this is her medicines and take her to a good psychotherapist she is depressed!!"doctor said giving him the prescription

He took the prescription from the doctor and nodded before leaving from the doctor cabin and went to yn who is waiting for him in the car

She was silent all the time she didn't utter a word and now too she is silent which is making him worried more as the doctor said she is depressed

Jungkook -"where the fvck she is? I told you to look after her...and you all useless...who helped her tell me everything!!"he shouted angrily while throwing all the things here and there....tv,glass, window everything he broked into pieces

Her sister is looking at him with fear I'm her eyes she never seen him this angry but today this jungkook is more different than the older jungkook his men's are looking down in fear

Jungkook-"i have asked you something noona!!"he said holding her shoulder tightly making her hitched in pain

Hana-"sh..she ju..jungkook !!"nothing is coming from her mouth in fear looking at his dark eyes she gulped

??-"you are under arrest my dearest friend!!"
jungkook stopped and turned back to see who came looking at him he got more angry

He tugged his hand inside his pocket and looked at him angrily the man chuckled looking at him and sit on the couch

Jungkook- "what the hell are you doing in my mansion government dog!!"

He chuckled looking at him before coming towards him

??-"To arrest you !!"he said showing him the arrest warrant

Jungkook-"What the fuck you are saying Fvcking taehyung!"he said holding his collar tightly

Taehyung - he laughed slightly pushing his hand "Enough evidence against you this time..!!"

Jungkook-"dont tell me you hide my prey from me Kim...!!"he glared at him angrily he knew if got information against him that's mean he also took yn from here with him...he looked at his sister and hold her hand and pushed her towards taehyung

Jungkook-"She helped you right...?"he said glaring at his sister her sister shooked her head

Hana-"n..no ju..jungkook!!"she cried looking at him

Taehyung -"you hurted my sister so much!!"he said looking at him angrily

Jungkook-"your sister? She is Wang's sister..but I know her brother is useless but you are a great brother Kim...!!"he said going towards him and patted his shoulder

He is a criminal from his teenage life so it's will not take time to know anything about others...back then he always considered yn his sister so he always send men's behind her to look after her...

He knew yn made taehyung her brother as taehyung was a good man he didn't said anything to him and make sure just yn will be safe

Taehyung -"i know i am a good brother unless like who raped his sister...!!"he said jerking his hand off from his shoulder

Jungkook-"no matter what you do in the end she will be in my mansion again...!!"he laughed looking at taehyung

Taehyung -"get ready to live your rest of the life in jail Jeon!!"he said handcuffing him which jungkook didn't deny jungkook looked at him with a smile

Jungkook-"oh really?you think you can Kim?"he said looking at him eye to eye with a playful smirk

Taehyung -"i will make sure to give you the taste of hell for hurting my sister,for ruining her life!!"he said and pushed him angrily towards his junior officer jungkook men's pointed their guns to them but jungkook signalled them to not to do anything

Jungkook-"you can't save her from me,she will taste the hell with me!!"he said and laughed looking at him he got satisfied seeing taehyung's pissed mood

Taehyung -he angrily grabbed his collar tightly and looked at his eyes with dark gaze"you will only see pain nothing else...shame on you jeon you are still not feeling any guilt for ruining her life..!!"

Jungkook -"really?shame on me? Go and give this lecture to that bastard who ruined my sister's life..!!"he also shout in anger

Jungkook-"look at her...that bastard ruined her life but still she is helping his sister!!"he said looking at his sister with tears in his eyes

Taehyung -"he will also see the same hell don't worry..but first let's go to your new home..!"

He said and handed him to his assistant and looked at Hana and hold her hand

Taehyung -"you are going with me..in this way you can also help yn!!"he said and take her with him without giving her any chance to speak

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