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he told the maids to take yn to his room they forcefully took her and jungkook went towards her brother who is still struggling in jungkook's man's grief jungkook sit on the chair infront of him and looked at him with eyes full of hate like he is gonna kill him any moment

Chang-"What are you doing jungkook leave her she is innocent she don't know anything!!"

Jungkook-"My Sister Was also innocent then why you did that with her?"his eyes have no emotion at all

Chang didn't said anything and stayed silent which make jungkook angry he stand up from his seat angrily for which the chair fell on the floor

Jungkook-"Just wait and watch how I will ruin your sister life like the way you did..!!"he said and left from there making chang shocked he knows jungkook is not lying he will really do bad with his sister...

For his deed his sister have to pay very good price and this is her life...her life will be ruined by jungkook very badly...

Jungkook came to his room and saw the room all dark but he is hearing sobbing voice he turned on the lights and saw her crying while hugging her knees he didn't said anything and started walking towards her while putting off his wrist watch...

Yn saw him coming towards her she tightly hold her dress in fear and started hiccuping while sniffing hard her face is all red and eyes are swallowen because of crying....

Yn-"pl..please jungkook oppa Lea..leave me i don't know why you are doing this with me...i didn't did anything!!"she pleaded infront of him but his eyes are still emotionless

Jungkook-"But your brother did and you have to pay for that...!!"he said and sit beside her and tugged her hair behind her ear

She looked at him she don't know anything what her brother did she remembered last time when she saw jungkook was 4 years ago and that day her brother and he was arguing on something she was 16 years teenage girl she didn't paid any attention to their talks that time but after that she never saw him nor her brother ever mentioned about his friend

Yn-"Wh..what oppa did?"

Jungkook-"something which I am also going to do with you!!"

Yn-"Wh..what-"she didn't able to complete her sentence because he suddenly hovered over her making her flinch he looked into her eyes which make her shivered in fear

Yn-"Op..oppa-"he put his index finger on her lip and leaned closed to her ear

Jungkook-"Call me jungkook i am not your oppa baby!!"he whispered in her ears huskily"you know you are looking so beautiful and hot that i wants to fvck you so badly and wants to ruin you!!"he said while kissing her neck tears formed in her eyes while she is trying to pushed him but he hold both of her hands and started sucking her neck

Yn-"St..stop le..leave me!!"

Jungkook-"shh...open this mouth only to scream my name!!"

He started biting her neck making it bleed and suck
the blood after complety ruining her neck he started kissing her lips while roaming his hands on her body he started kissing her roughly and started biting her lips for which her swallowen lips again started bleeding

She is trying hard to freed herself from his grief but he is so strong he pushed his tongue inside her mouth and started devouring her mouth her breath is becoming heavier she is having problems in breathing but he is not stopping after he saw her closing her eyes he stopped kissing her and broke the kiss and sit on the bed...

When broked the kiss she felt a little relief her breath is becoming normal little by little her face becomes all red because of lack oxygen he looked at her with a dark smirk and remove his coat and throw on the floor then he started unbuttoning his shirt seeing this she is feeling scared he unbottoned his shirt and throw it on the floor

His abs are visible now his body have some mark knife and bullet which is old scars and he have stitching mark too on his abdomen

Jungkook-"Now it's your time who will undress you me or you will do by yourself sweetheart?"he said while putting his hand on the bad she didn't said anything and looked down in fear

Jungkook-"baby i asked something answer me!!or i will take your silent as my answer..!!"he innocently said

Yn-"lea..leave me!!"she cried and pleaded her both hand infront of him

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