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Yn backed off a little on the bed from him because she can sense he is all drunk and can do something with her bad but she is not understanding what he is even saying..which pain..?she is not able to understand!!

Yn-"Wha-what are you tal-talking about oppa?"her eyes are moist looking at his dark eyes which hold hatred for her...

Jungkook-chuckled darkly"so smart like that fox..you are behaving like you don't know anything HUH?"atleast he shout making her flinched hard

He hold her both arms tightly making her hissed in pain then he hold her jaw tightly making her looked at him...

Jungkook -"it's painful right?it's the beginning of your life with me..you have to face many consequences...!!"

Jungkook-"Be ready Wang yn...we are getting married tomorrow!!"he said while leaning closer to her face his mouth is smelling bad because of alcohol and his hot breath is hitting on her face..

He stood up and looked at her who is looking down in fear and sobbing hard

Jungkook -"Did you eat dinner?"she nodded in no due to fear nothing is coming from her mouth

Jungkook -"Eat..i don't like weak girls.. specially on bed and you have to strong for our first night sweetheart!!"

She looked at him he smirked looking at her pale and dull face because of crying tears are forming from her eyes...he looked at her then wiped her tears off with his thumb....

Jungkook-"Did not i told you only i can make you cry...so don't cry now wait for tomorrow if you cry tomorrow I will not stop you promised!!"

He said and smiled innocently with a pout...no one can save theirself from him he don't let his prey to go easily and now yn became his prey with whom he is going to play every day, every hour, every minute and every fucking second..she became his captivated for forever

Jungkook called her brother infront of her and put the phone on speaker and looked at her while sitting beside her again she starlet looking at him closedly she kept her gaze down because he is looking at her continuously without blinking his eyes...

After a while her brother picked up the call with an annoyed voice and seeing the caller id he got annoyed more...

??-"What you want jungkook!!"

Jungkook -"Wang Chang long time no see bro!!"he said while looking at yn

Chang-"What you want just say it!"

Jungkook-"YOUR SISTER!!"he said making the sibling shocked at his words

Chang-"WH-WHAT?"he shout after hearing him out

Jungkook-"Yes Wang I want Your Sister Every night on my bed!!"he said with a horrible dark smiled hearing jungkook Wang's blood boiled no brother can hear dirty talk about their sister

Chang-"Jungkook mind your words before i kill you!!"he said in rage..."Do you know what the fvck is you are saying?Fvcking she is like your sister and you are talking bad things about her!!"

Jungkook-"correction like sister not sister..so I can do whatever i want with her I can marry her , i can fvck her on my bed and even I can get her pre-"

Chang-"ONE MORE WORDS AND I WILL KILL YOU JUNGKOOK!!"he shout making jungkook chuckled while yn is continuously sobbing hearing him

Jungkook-"Wang you were my best friend so i wants to invite you in my wedding...come to our favourite Church there I am going to marry my girl aka your sister Wang Yn...she is going to be your soon to be sister in law..!!"

Chang-"what the hell you are saying?you are drunk or what?"

Jungkook-"no i am not..baby tell your brother you are going to marry me tomorrow!!"he said giving the phone to yn she took the phone in her hand while looking at jungkook her hands are trembling in fear she cleared her throat and gulped hard



Yn-"Op-oppa save me plea-please...!!"she cried while jungkook took the phone from her

Jungkook -"heared her now come to my wedding tomorrow!!"

Chang-"Jungkook stay away from her if you hurt her I will kill you!!"

Jungkook-"dont worry she will just get hurt on bed because I will make you uncle soon...brother in law!!"

Chang-"Jung-"jungkook cut the call before Chang can complete his sentence then he looked at yn who is also looking at her he leaned closed to her face while she just backed off but he hold her by her back and looked deep into her eyes he leaned closed to kiss her but she pushed him

Yn-"it..it's wrong you are like my brother!!"She said while looking at him in fear he chuckled darkly

Jungkook -"dont worry from tomorrow everything will be right for you with me!!"he said smirkingly he stood up and went towards the door he looked back again to her"Only 11 hours and you will be on my bed !!"he leave the room making her crying

She don't even know where she is because jungkook's men's took here blindfolding..not she know the house carefully because it's not the house jungkook used to live it's different house she have nothing to do rather than crying on her fate...

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