Chapter 29

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Lily's Pov
I put Diego on his car seat then went to the driver's seat but was stopped by familiar hand. I knew this touch, I turned around and it was him, Conner Xavier, the father of my son. He looked so handsome this time that any girl who saw him at first sight would fall in love with him.

"Good evening madam. Sorry to disturb you but have I seen you before?" He asked. His question made me heartbroken, he doesn't remember me? He doesn't remember any of the time we had? Really?! I don't know why but tears dropped down from my eyes, is he pretending not to know me? Is he pranking me? What the fuck is going on?

"I am sorry but why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?" He asked. He wiped off the tears from my eyes and looked afraid, I quickly got a grip of myself and wiped away my tears.

"Did you seriously just stop me to know if you have met me before?" I asked sadly.

"Yes, I guess." He said sincerely.

"Well the answer is no. I have never seen you before" I lied. I decided to play along after all I don't want him in my life anymore. I saw a slim, beautiful lady approach us and she held Conner's arm. She looked at me and I gave her a cold glare. I knew this fool, it was Jane Quinn, my fucking cousin, did she really just change her hair colour and do plastic surgery to change her looks, funny bitch, she has forgotten that I am a demon and no matter how much fucking plastic surgery she does I will always know her when I see her.

"Sorry freak but he is taken" she said smiling evily at me. I just ignored her and when she was about to leave with Conner, I grabbed her harm and yanked her back to me.

"Conner, please go inside, I will meet you later" she said to Conner.

"Okay, he said confused before he left.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?" I asked her trying to lower my voice to avoid attention.

"Getting what I want?" she said.

"What the hell did you do to him? How come he doesn't remember me?" I asked.

"Remember you? Why the fuck would he remember someone like you? You dumped him, he had an accident and he forgot about you. While you were busy doing what the fuck I don't, I was there for him and he fell in love with me, so fuck off" she said.

"You have other intentions don't you or why else would a witch want to be loved by a human?" I asked angrily.

"That is none of your fucking business, bitch. Now let me go!" She yelled.

"If you touch him, I swear your dead!" I yelled back.

"Huh. I invite you to watch me fuck him tonight." She said with a smirk before pulling her arm away from me and walking away.

What the fuck did she just say? She dare not touch him or else! I quickly got into my car and found my boy sleeping. I drove home crying that day and I got myself drunk, thank goodness Diego was asleep. I couldn't take it, I went outside and spread my wings before flying off to Conner's house. When I got there I saw him through his window, his dick was being sucked by that bitch, while he was fingering my pussy, this was my body not hers! I yelled inwardly. I couldn't take it anymore, I saw him position his member between her legs and was about to enter her raw but before he knew it carried the bitch away and took her somewhere far away from Conner's house not caring if she was naked.

"You asshole! How dare you?! You have no shame!" I yelled at her.

"What shame? You dumped him and I picked his ass up so what the fuck is your problem?!" She yelled back and I punched her on the face making her bleed from the nose.

"He is mine!" I said angrily and I started strangling her.

"You dare try to kill me! I swear your father must know about this!"she yelled before I freed her afraid of what she just said. Father? I forgot he even existed. No I can't risk that, my son's life would be in danger. I quickly flew to the park where I made a deal with Conner, I started remembering all the moments we shared before I felt a presence behind me, it felt so familiar but it was not physical. A hand rested on my shoulder and then I immediately knew who it was, it was my mum's ghost.

"Don't cry sweetie. I am here for you, remember?" She said now turning me to face her.

"Mum, I am sorry. This is all my fault, I am really sorry." I said crying.

"Hush now my child, it is never and will never be your fault." She said smiling at me.

"What do I do now mum? My when life has been ruined, Conner doesn't know me anymore. He doesn't remember me, he had an accident because of me mum. He doesn't remember me anymore" I said crying more.

"The witch my child. She did it. He never had an accident. She made him forget you, Conner was also involved in this but that was because he was tricked. The time that you had the curse mark, the witch told Conner to give up his memories about you in order to save your life, when that was not true. Jane always despised you when you were a child, she wanted to take everything away from you but because of the protection from your father she could not get to you, so she waited for you to grow up and be on your own, then she would strike. She made Conner trust her by saving your life the day you were trapped in the underworld. Conner trusted her and soon as you sent him out of your life he was heartbroken because he wanted you to be save not because you threw him out so in order to save you and take away his pain, he gave up his memory and then Jane used that opportunity to take him away from you. You need to get Conner back, he needs you, not that Jane. He is a good man, a good husband. Remember you are still married to him, you could easily get him back." She said before she disappeared. I flew back home and decided to get back what belongs me.

The Next day, I rode off to Conner's house, I met his father and then greeted him.

"Good morning sir" I greeted respectfully.

"Good morning and who are you?" He asked.

"Conner's wife." I simply said.

"Very funny, my son has not married any woman and especially not you. I know you, you are Damien's daughter are you not?" He asked.

"Yes I was but not anymore. I want to speak with my husband, his son wants to see him." I said firmly.

"You must be crazy woman." He said.

"Very well then." I said before casting a spell that would make him sleep. I went to Conner's room and I heard moaning from the bathroom and I smirked. This boy still got the perfect moans or should I say man. I took off my clothes and joined him in the bathroom without him knowing. I saw his eyes closed and his head thrown back due to the pleasure. I took his dick from his hand and started stroking it gently, he still didn't care who it was and he led my hand on how to stroke it. I went on my knees and took his dick in my mouth, sucking it passionately, man I missed this. I brought it out and licked the tip but then I heard a loud bang. I realized that I was just imagining things because right now I was in front of my son, he was holding up his puppy for me to carry and I took it from him. Was I imagining what I was going to do? Fuck me. I went to my room with the puppy and dropped it on the floor before picking my phone to call Conner, that's if he picks and surprisingly he did.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hi. This is the woman that you saw at the restaurant." She said.

"Oh. Hey. Listen I am really sorry about what happened that day. I just thought I knew you from somewhere but I guess I was wrong." He said calmly.

"No, it's okay. Can we meet again?" I asked.

"Yeah sure. I would love to know you better, I mean as a friend." He said.

"Sure. How about the park near the  college you graduated from." I said.

"Wait, how did you know about my college?" He asked.

"I schooled there too but people barely knew me." I said sadly.

"Okay, can we meet tomorrow, I am kinda busy right now." He said.

"Sure." I said before hanging up the call. This is so weird, I have to be strong, I can't be breaking down all the time. I need to make him regain his memories and after that I will deal with that witch for tricking my man.

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