Chapter 12

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Normal Pov
Two weeks had already past and it was the day of the graduation ceremony. Lily had not yet told her parents about her marriage and Conner saw it as a nightmare. On the day of their graduation Madison only attended for Lily's graduation, Damien gave excuses and did not come but she was not bothered one bit. While Ares Xavier came for his son's graduation. During the graduation ceremony, Lily was awarded as the best medical student, she had a first class degree while Conner was awarded as the best engineering student, he also had a first class degree. Everyone congratulated them, a party was thrown and as expected Madison and Lily did not attend.

Time skips
Conner's Pov
I was in my room listening to music when i noticed something strange, my window was open which was not normal because I don't open my window for any reason. I get up from my bean bag and close the window and turning back I saw her, the freak.
She was dressed in black from head to toe, she looked pale which made her more beautiful, her long black hair with a little tint of red was cascading down her body but something was off about her eyes they used to be blue but it was grey and most shocking part is that she was wearing a gown, she barely wears a gown but today she wore one, her lips were also pale but beautiful. She looked like a villain goddess, she was so beautiful. She snapped me out of my thoughts when I heard her voice "shall we go Conner?" she said. "Go where?" I asked. " Have you forgotten what I told you, we are meant to go to New York today, forgotten?"she asked. I got myself back when I remembered my nightmare or should I say dream? Does that mean I am married to her? Fuck! It was not a dream

Lily's Pov
I looked at him weirdly before I grabbed his hand and led him out of his room with force. I stormed down the stairs with him and took him outside to where a black chevrolet was parked and to my greatest surprise he didn't struggle or object. I pushed him into the back seat and went to the driver's seat and he still didn't say a word. Good for me. I started the car engine and drove out of his large compound. I drove as fast as I could to the airport and yet he didn't say a word. Was he in a trance? When we reached the airport, I came down from the car, dragged him out, then slapped him to bring him back to reality.

Conner's Pov
I was brought back to reality when I received a hot slap " ouch! That hurts" I said. I looked around me and found myself at the front of a jet. "Good to have you back" she said. I  held her arm and stared in her eyes and she stared back and it looked like she was staring into soul." What the hell is wrong with you, where do you think you are taking me to?" I asked angrily. She just gave me a cold look before speaking" Have you forgotten we are married? We are going to New York to start a new life" she said. This girl is crazy and stupid but very beautiful. I can't leave my father here, how do I explain things to him and he is meant to hand over the company to me next week. I can't leave with this freak, my dream of becoming a multi millionaire like my father would be crushed.

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