Chapter 9

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Damien's Pov
I sensed her presence but didn't spare her a glance. "What is it?" I asked coldly. She walked to me and I saw that her eyes were now red that meant she was angry but I didn't care because I was used to this. She looked at me directly in the eyes and this time her eyes were golden. Was she planning on fighting me? I wonder what Madison must have told her. I got furious at the way she disrespects me by showing me her golden eyes and I show her mine with my long fangs this time. I snarled at her and her eyes turns back to normal(blue). She backs off and I stare at her with so much anger in me.

Lily's Pov
I got scared of dad's transformation as always. I always have been scared of his transformation and I don't know why. I know my father is the prince of the underworld and he is meant to be strong but I didn't understand why he looked much scary than the other main demons. I snapped out of my thoughts immediately and looked him straight in the eyes again before I spoke "why did you hurt my mother?" I asked with a firm voice. He looked at me and just a gave me quick smile before turning cold again before he spoke " I didn't hurt her, I was just having fun with her after all she is my wife". I got annoyed by his answer and yelled at him" funnn??!!!!!!! Really! Fun that you forced her to have sex with you?" He sat down and looked at me straight in the eyes"and who are you to object to when I have sex with my wife? You are crossing the line Lillian Diana Quinn do not make me to do what you would regret for the rest of your life. Your mother belongs to me, I own her life, soul, body and every other thing that makes her up, so stay out of this and stop being an ungrateful little piece of shit!!!" he yelled. I looked at him again in the eye and said"I promise you that this would end soon". Without waiting for his response I dashed out of the room and went to mine. This time I laid down there crying before drifting off to sleep.

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