Chapter 10 - Pride

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"I want you to finish college and make something of yourself

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"I want you to finish college and make something of yourself. Your inheritance will only last so long." Paul stated as tears ran down his face.

Parker only nodded before breaking down with tears of her own. After two weeks of being painfully stubborn, she'd finally found the will to visit her father, with Caesar's convincing. She was in total disbelief seeing her father look so weak and helpless, if time could go back she felt she would've been more respectful and understanding to her fathers perspective. Life was teaching one of its hardest lessons; never hold a grudge.

Of all the great memories she shared with her father she'd let the few bad moments over shadow. But that was all apart of the past now as she held her father's hand. "I'm sorry for being so hard headed and rebellious daddy. I promise to make things right between us and make you proud in every way possible."

Paul gave a weak but boisterous smile before nodding for Caesar to walk over to him. "I know we got off on the wrong foot and I blame my pride for that. You convincing my daughter to come and see her old man after all the hell I gave you gives me insight on the potential within you. I give you my blessing to date my daughter, you just make sure to take care of her.

Caesar placed his hand over his heart and nodded briefly, showing nothing but gratitude. He had sought no ill will toward Paul as he'd only been wanting there to be a mutual respect between them as men. "Will do sir."

Paul, Parker, and Caesar spent another hour divulging in peaceful conversation before having to cut things short. Paul's meds were kicking in and Caesar had somewhere to be in the next 30 minutes. After handshakes and a graceful hug between father and daughter; they parted from the gloomy hospital room. Leaving Paul to ponder on his life and how if he were given a second chance he'd leave no stone unturned in terms of fixing all the things he'd done wrong in life. He vowed to no one but god to be a better man, husband and father.


"Opal! Stop that! What I told you about hitting your brother that's a no no." Onyx corrected his ever growing one year old daughter, who was also a twin.

Opal stared at her towering father and shook her head being spoiled as ever she didn't like to hear the word no. She rolled her little eyes a habit she picked up from her mother, before saying. "No no daddy." Subsequently hitting her brother again, causing him to wail.

Onyx was taken aback by her sudden choice of rebuttal. Smacking his teeth in frustration he walked towards Opal and Onyx Jr. Scooping Onyx Jr. up he scanned him for any injuries, when he saw there were none he breathed a sigh of relief. But not before sending Opal to timeout in her room after a brief scolding. He knew she needed a firmer form of discipline but took that route to ease tension.

Placing Onyx Jr. on his feet he observed his son who was the perfect mixture of him and Promise. Baby Onyx was the quiet and calm twin, while Opal was more outspoken and active. He loved both equally and it showed through his actions in how he tended to them. Although he was taking on gentle parenting, he couldn't help but give an Onyx a tinge of tough love from time to time.

"Stop crying Onyx." Onyx Sr. demanded sternly while wiping away his tears. "You gotta be a big boy aight?"

Onyx Jr barely understood what his father was saying when he nodded his head but he could feel his energy nonetheless. He was his father's shadow whenever he was on the move around the house. He wanted to see and do everything his father did. So it was only right to him that he stopped crying and followed his father's command. In his little mind he was making his dad happy.

Onyx smiled and rubbed his son's head that had growing locs. He didn't know what their little spat was about but he was glad he was able to diffuse the situation. Giving his son a pound he sent him on his way to play once again with his sister, knowing it would be a matter of time before trouble found them again.

Onyx then retreated to his room taking solace in his current girlfriend lovelyn's presence. He had a lot on his mind lately but it didn't stop him from being a present father and boyfriend. He had court coming up in just a week and anxiety was getting the best of him. With the feds on his trail he had to stick to running his legal businesses and leave the drug trade alone for a while. He and Alvaro had worked out the kinks in their business relationship and was just waiting on things to die down before returning to a line of work that was second nature to him.

After basking in his thoughts he focused on the beautiful woman before him. She was everything a beauty standard was. With her full and juicy lips, doe eyes, perfect nose and crème skin dreamy was an understatement. She made him feel tranquil and evolved in the way that she dealt with him and he dealt with her. Being a school teacher she was full of patience and skillful affection. If his heart didn't belong to someone else he would marry Lovelyn, being that she was everything he sought in a woman.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Lovelyn asked softly as she smoothed over the 28 inches of natural hair that sprouted from her head in Onyx's floor length mirror.

"Damn, I can't admire my woman?" Onyx retorted before smirking mischievously.

After walking across his expansive room he stood behind Lovelyn taking in her bodily appearance as well in the grand mirror. Her body alone put a coke bottle to shame. The silk camisole and short set she wore did her body supreme justice. Onyx licked his lips before grabbing her waist, placing a delicate kiss on her collarbone.

"Onyx no, I'm still sore from last night. Give me a day atleast to let the soreness wear off." Lovelyn whined. Onyx had turned her body every way but loose and she was paying for it greatly.

"You lucky I got shit to do today." Onyx replied dismissively before smacking her bodacious ass. "Otherwise you'd be whining for me to keep putting in that work."

Lovelyn laughed whilst rubbing away the stinging pain coming from her backside. "Yea, whatever." She replied playfully. Onyx stuck his tongue out before retreating to his closet to find something to wear.

Savoring moments like these were the least Lovelyn could do knowing that her position in Onyx's life was only temporary. She'd tried so hard not to get attached, but it was hard not to being that Onyx was so charismatic. Her job was just to get intel being that she was an undercover cop. Yet, she found herself falling for the rugged yet sophisticated thug before her. Her job was nothing short of dangerous and she knew she was playing with fire if she was ever found out about. She just couldn't help the dilemma she was in be an upstanding officer or mesh to Onyx's life that was filled with secrets and crime. It was heavy battle and only time would tell on how things would play out.

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