Chapter 8 - My man

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3 Days Later

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3 Days Later...

"I can't believe your naive ass thought holding Caesars weed would be smart." Promise fussed as she drove through the streets of Atlanta. She was highly upset after dropping everything she was doing to see about Parker.

Parker had no rebuttal. She sat in the passenger seat taking the heat Promise was throwing her way.

"Does mom and dad know-

"No!! And you're not gonna tell them either."

"What do you mean I'm not gonna tell them? They need to know. You heard those officers in there, you're looking at some serious charges."

"My man is gonna handle it."

The car then came to an abrupt stop and Promise looked at Parker like she had two heads. "Your Man is gonna handle it." Promise uttered sarcastically. "Please my lawyer checked in on him too he's looking at 6 months to a year. So you can save that my man shit, the hell do you know about having a man anyway. You're only 18."

"I know enough to not leave his side in a vulnerable moment."

Promise squinted her eyes as she looked at Parker. Catching the subliminal she was throwing her way. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly what you think." Parker shrugged.

"Wow, if I would've know this is how you'd be thanking me I would've left your ass sitting in a cell. I don't know what's gotten into you but I'm not going for whatever habits or ways you've picked up." Promise said to Parker who was sitting with her arms folded.

Parker rolled her eyes. Her ego was high so she wasn't feeling regretful for anything she'd said. In her eyes Promise was supposed to have her back regardless. She also felt a way about Promise leaving Onyx high and dry. The situation taught her that no matter how loyal someone was to a person they could still be left and looked at like the enemy. Parker set it in her mind to never leave Caesar no matter what happened, he was her rock.

After dropping off Parker, Promise made her way back to the airport but not before placing a call to their parents. The relationship between Caesar and Parker was null in her opinion. It was bad for them to be together. Plus, she didn't want her younger sister to follow in her footsteps. It would be detrimental to her peace of mind.


"Cassidy you have to stop stressing about what's going on, we have a new born baby to worry about. You should be happy your father is gone."

Cassidy looked at Orion like he had shit on his face. She was bewildered that he was bold enough to say something like that to her.
"I should be happy?" She asked through gritted teeth while closing the space between them. "He was still my father." She yelled in Orion's face.

Her yelling woke up their baby boy Orion Jr. His little cry putting a pause in their heated argument.

Orion Sr. grabbed his son and began rocking him as he spoke his peace. "You're gonna start a war that we're not equipped for. We have kids to worry about. You're driving yourself crazy about something you and your father caused."

Cassidy couldn't believe her ears."Wow, if I wanted to be with a bitch I would've went and found a curvy one with a fat ass. You're acting like you're scared or something."

Orion scoffed at her ignorance. He was truly trying to save their life but Cassidy wasn't taking heed. "I'm not scared I'm being smart. What the fuck are you gonna do when you find out who the killer is?"

"Kill them, myself. Since you're too pussy to help."

Orion couldn't help but shake his head. He realized that arguing with Cassidy was futile. She was set on doing what she wanted to do.

The only thing was he couldn't play coward and not help but it gave him a dilemma. Help Cassidy who was in the wrong or beef with his brother who was only trying to do what he was trying to do—protect his family.


"Papa." The twins yelled.

It was Onyx's month to keep Onyx Jr, Opal, and Onaya, so he was taking them to visit their grandfather. They had to hurry, because their grandparents had a dinner reservation at a fancy restaurant.

"What is it?" Omar asked, jogging to keep up with the three toddlers as they explored his home.

The three children talked as best as they could while leading their grandfather to the backyard. One of their favorite places to be when they went over his house. It was equipped with things for children; play grounds and outdoor toys.

While the children played Onyz and Omar talked. There was a lot going on and Onyx wasn't shy to ask for his fathers help.

"So you need a new connect and help getting this crazy kid out of jail?" Omar asked while rubbing his chin hair. He had a dislike for new people and Caesar rubbed him the wrong way. He didn't care how skilled he was with laying the murder game down.

Onyx shifted in his seat after gazing at his children. "Yea, I know it's a lot to ask. Especially since you don't know him but he wasn't responsible for Mayor Carter's murder, I was. He don't deserve to sit in jail over someone else's dirt. Look, I know you out the game but I know you can pull some strings."

Omar nodded his head after listening to his son. It would be a hassle but he was keen on getting shit done. For his son he would try to move mountains.

They spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying each other's company and bonding with Onyx Jr., Opal, and Onaya.

Omar even gave Onyx a rundown on how Paul came at him. This infuriated Onyx internally. Here he was thinking that there was peace between them since he left his daughter alone but to find out he was the reason he had to made he feel sheer anger. So many things in terms of their relatwas unfinished but he'd never get to see it out because Promise's father was in her ear.

He left with an agenda. To get his woman back by any means.


Quick held his baby girl in awe at how beautiful and peaceful she looked. Despite the argument that transpired just hours before her arrival, him and Divine were being civil. He didn't want his daughter's birth to be ruined with the toxicity that transpired between them lately.

Qui'miah Richards was gonna be raised the right way, not seeing her parents fight over petty shit or things she didn't quite understand in her young mind. Quick already had it planned out.

Her features were a mixture of them both making her look uniquely gorgeous. She was a sight to see.

Quick's family pikes into the room to share admiration for the beautiful child. You could tell she would be extremely spoiled the way clothes and everything a baby needed, piled up into the delivery room.

They were even cordial with divine, Who was acting angelic as possible. She was on her best behavior and that was a force on her behalf because she couldn't stand certain people in Quicks family, including his mother. She didn't have a mother so respect was something she was learning to give women of Mrs. Richards seniority.

They ended the day full of joy from the new life that was brought into the world not even knowing trouble waited around the corner.

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